Chapter 7

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Hey hey! ... I put up a random gif cause whynot? Yeah thats one word :P

Niall's P.O.V

    The boys were play fighting, and I had joined in. We still weren't at the hotel, and my princess was still on the couch politely. I saw Harry sneak up to her, and before I could say something, he slammed a hard pillow on her head, knocking her to the ground. Anger and worry flushed through my body, as I untangled myself from Louis and Zayns arms and legs. I heard a giggle from Jillian, she was alright. But I was still furious at Harry, I lunged at him, knocking him over immediately. His stupid grin fell off his face, and I straddled him, slapping his face with my hands. I glanced at Jill, she was watching with horror, and she fled the room. I continued slapping Harry, his cheeks red. His green eyes were studying me, then he finally flipped me off,springing to his feet. I tripped him, and he glared at me, reaching his feet out and tripping me too. I crawled over to him, grabbing a fistful of curls. His face contorted in pain, but he still tried to keep a straight face. "Say sorry." I growled, slightly tugging more on his curls. "No." he coldly replied, reaching out for my hair, with his free hand. The other was pinned underneath my leg. I quickly twisted his hair, glaring at him. He was almost in tears, the pain so immense. "Sorry." he said, his voice cracking. I shoved his head away from me, and stormed off to find Jill.

She was fine, and soon we were happily in the hotel. She refused to accept a bed, and I  felt terrible for letting her sleep on the couch cushions. I finally drifted to sleep, having a dreamless slumber. I woke up, giddily looking at her spot on the floor. I saw no body, only a sheet. My princess.... Was gone.

I called her name frantically, searching the room. I walked into the other room, turning to see Harry.. And my princess! She was sleeping peacefully, a hand buried in Harry's hair, an another laying across his chest.  Did he? Did Harry sleep with my princess? Did she? Did they? You! I jabbed Harry's chest with my finger, calling his name. Jillian woke up, sliding her hands out if Harry's hair and chest. She yawned loudly, her yawn was adorable, an Harry jerked awake too. He looked up groggily, as I softy questioned Jillian. She stuttered confused, and Harry butt in, explaining he couldn't bear her sleeping in the cushions. He knew how to make my blood boil. But I let it slide.

Later, we were all showering, and i

was chatting happily with Jill. I noticed Harry stroll in, completely naked, and I covered Jillian's eyes before she saw his junk. I eyed him angrily, my eye twitching, staring at his crotch (no homo, I was amazed he really was naked, right next to Jill.) I made him leave the room, much to Jillians confusion, and now here I am, completely p-oed.

Jillian finally showered, and eventually everyone was ready to go. I flipped on one if my snapbacks, and we all got ready to leave and go on the tour bus.Zayn finally got up, making everyone feel terrible to forget about him, but we dragged him to the tour bus, denying his shower rights. He went ti the room with the bunks, and passed out.

I ran at the mini fridge, snatching up a Coke. "Really Niall?" a giggling Jill said. "We just ate breakfast like two minutes ago!" Ignoring her judgment, I snapped the cap off the old fashioned glass bottle, and chugged it hungrily. The cool liquid pumped through my veins, giving me a spark of energy. I felt wonderful.

                Rose's P.O.V

Seeing Louis nearly naked was spectacular! He was pretty much ripped, and his biceps were huge! I sat on the couch next to him on the tour bus, even though he was on the phone. I couldn't help but listen. :

Louis: No Eleanor! Why are you doing this! I.. I love you!

A silvery tear streamed down his face, making my lip tremble. What was happening? 

Louis: what! How could you! I gave you my love, and you.. You just found someone else while I'm on tour! If you already didn't know, [at this he breathed in deeply, his voice trembling from the tears, he said] We're through!

He slammed his phone away, the tears waterfalling from his face. He looked around, to see if anyone saw. I was staring intently at him. "Rose!" he said, anxiously, sniffing his nose. "I have really bad allergies, stupid phone!" he chuckled stupidly, but didn't fool me one bit.

I gazed at his eyes, seeing the pain and hurt embedded in them. "It's alright." I said softly. I slowly put my arms around him, patting his back. "It's okay.. Shh it's alright." He fell into my embrace, sniffling loudly. I kept him in my arms, holding onto him with as much need as he was holding onto me. I loved him.

                Liam's P.O.V

Everyone was happy in some way. Zayn was sleeping peacefully, Louis and Rose were hugging like the world was ending around them, Niall and Harry were flirting shamelessly with Jillian, and I was alone. I stared coldly around the room, with nothing to do. I reached  into my pocket for my phone, to text Danielle, but I remembered she broke up with me a week ago. No one even knew yet except me and her. I sighed, thinking about her longingly. 

I flicked on the T.V, and the news was on. The reporter was sitting in a chair, the camera spinning around her. She smiled and said "It's now time for celebrity news, everything you need to know, and all the gossip!" A picture of Niall came up. "Hey guys!" I called "Look!" Everyone but Zayn sat around the T.V, watching the story. The reporter began. "Well Barbara,  it looks like Niall Horan of One Direction got a little frisky last night at the concert!" "What?!" Niall exclaimed "What are they talking about?" The reporter continued: "Niall was seen staring at someone in the front row, then later, singing to her on stage! The fans were confused and appalled. The boys were later seen going to their hotel with that girl and another girl. Both girls seem very young." At this, Jillian yelled "No we're not you stalker!" A video started playing of Niall singing to her, and then of him walking into the hotel with his arm around shoulder. A picture still popped up as well, of Niall kissing Jill's cheek. Niall blushed furiously. "That's.. That's a weird camera angle! I was whispering in her ear!" I was about to shut the Tv off, but something came on about Danielle. She was seen at a cafe with some guy, and she walked out holding his hand. The boys looked at me, quiet now.

"L-Liam?" Louis said nervously "Is Danielle CHEATING on you?!" I shut my eyes tightly, trying to fight back the tears that were threatening  to fall out of my eyes. Harry nudged me. "Li?"

I looked up at them all, my breath coming out shaky. "We-we broke up a week ago." I finally said quietly. Louis put his hand on my shoulder. "S'alright bud. We're both single now." Everyone turned to stare at Louis. "What?!" Harry yelled. "How dare she hurt my BooBear! What?!" Louis gave a weak smile. "Its alright." he mumbled.

I sighed and walked away, to my bunk, shutting the door behind me. I needed alone time. I turned to my bunk, finding Zayn staring at me, his hair perfected into a quiff, and clean clothes on. "Toy Story time?" he asked, softly, noticing my solemn face. I nodded, finally letting the tears gush down my face. It was all too much to hold in that pain for a whole week, I loved Danielle so much.

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