Chapter 3

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Leggo Playas! That's right.. I'm happy and ghetto. Get ova it.This chappie is pretty intense and cute and blah soooooooo ( And jill is a bit conceited but that wasn't what i was going 4)

Jill's P.O.V
Suddenly the stage lit up. The noise became almost unbearable as five figures skipped out, to the beat of WMYB. The first words rang out, and the concert began. I was shocked and amazed and nervous and in denial ( lol in deNiall!) all at the same time. First I saw Harry's face, so amazingly close, his curls slightly bouncing. Then Liam, his face so emotional despite the happy song. Then Louis, who seemed happy and pumped, then Zayn who sang so strongly and powerfully, and finally Niall. He pranced about the stage, and began prancing back towards the center. I found myself staring at him, at his soft face, his beautiful eyes, his big strappy shoes, at his cute smile, at him. He turned to look over in our direction, and I gasped as he looked right at me. He seemed to overcome an inner struggle with himself, but finally smiled and waved towards the crowd. I knew the wave was meant for me, though. I heard Harry's soulful "baby you light up my world like nobody else," but I couldn't take my eyes off of Niall. He was so close! He was there! I was looking right into Niall Horan's deep blue eyes. 

I felt a small shoot of pain in my gut, and I turned to see Rose looking at me, withdrawing her elbow from my side. Once my attention was found, she grinned and pointed at Louis. " Look at him!" she said loudly, trying to overcome the noisy crowd of people behind us. Louis was hip-thrusting the air randomly, with a sassy smirk in his face. Rose stared. I mumbled a comment back before searching for Niall's eyes. He had moved towards the other boys, and punched the air at the last notes if the song.

Dumfounded, I clapped and grinned like an idiot. I let out a small Woo!, before shutting up. The crowd roared for about a minute before they finally died down. Harry walked to the center, followed by more roaring from the crowd. " How ya doing tonight!" he yelled. The crowd screamed back, as if that was an answer. Liam then took the center stage. "Our next song is about that special someone."he winked and the crowd screamed like wild animals. I heard a distant " I want your babies Liam!" before the song started. I searched for the blues eyes and blonde hair I was craving. Spotting them off to my left, I grinned. Niall gave me a sideways glance a couple times, as Harry sang "Can we fall, one more ta-hime stop the tape, and rewind.."Niall started creeping towards the center stage, smiling giddily.When the main part of the song came, Niall quickly pointed to the middle of the crowd as Harry sang "wrong size shoooe." Embarrassed at Harry's switch Niall walked away.

                Niall's P.O.V
She was in the front row. I don't know how, I don't know why, but she was. We both looked at each other at the same time. My breathing became frantic as I sang the chorus to What Makes You Beautiful. I gulped and said the words more confidently, as my gaze locked into my princess's eyes. They were dark blue, but light at the same time. I felt breathless as my body auto-pilot-edly sang the right words. My eyes lapped up her image, her tiny specks of freckles, her hair blended into different colors of brown and blonde. A random girl jabbed my beautiful princess in the stomach, ripping our eye contact. The girl pointed to a hip-thrusting Louis, and without thinking, I walked toward Louis. I realized the rest of the band was together, singing the last lines, so I stepped into place and pounded my fists for the end. I loved that part.

The roar of the crowd was deafening.
I spotted my princess clapping and applauding. I grinned. She was so cute and innocent! Harry walked to the middle of the stage, his feet just out of reach from the crazy fans. "How we doing tonight!" he yelled. I thought I saw my princess mouth "good". Liam introduced Gotta Be You, and the song began. 

Harry, Louis, Zayn, and I all sat on the red/brown leather couch. They were talking, whispering, planning. Confused, I skipped over to the side of the stage. I made goofy faces and waved, earning a lionlike roar from the crowd. I heard the chorus nearing, so I made my way towards the center. I stole some glances at my princess. I finally reached the center, planning to point to the crowd at "it's gotta be youuuu." But all I heard was "wrong sized shoooe." I glared at Harry. I hated when he changed the lyrics. It took meaning away from the song. He held up his right shoe in his hand, cracking up. I rolled my eyes, and waited for the song to finish. Just before it did, I leapt into the air, budding with Irish swag. My ears burned at the reaction, but all I cared was what my princess thought. I stole a glance. She was laughing and clapping. I grinned, satisfied. We sang a couple more songs, then started answering Twitter questions. It was all good fun, but I was super nervous as we finished up. We sang One Thing, then the lights went dark. I dashed backstage, and searched for my guitar. I had thought this over a lot, I was going to sing "Just Haven't Met You Yet" by the great Michael Bueble, but I decided to sing "I won't Give Up" by Jason Maraz. it was time for me to have my solo, time for me to serenade my princess. I shut my eyes tightly, hoped for the best, and waited. There she was, sitting on the couch awkwardly. The audience was really confused, and she looked a little scared.

I came out, strumming my guitar softly. She stared at me wide-eyed. I smiled, and strummed out the song. I took a deep breath, which echoed a bit around my headset, and started to sing. 
" When I look into your eyes... It's like watching the night sky, or a beu-ti-ful sunrise, there's so much they hold." I gazed into her beautiful eyes, her cheeks flushed bright pink. I slowly circled the couch as I sang " And just like them old stars, I see that you've come. So farr. To be right where you are. How old is your soul?" I was almost back around to her. "And I won't give up on us." I sang softly, my hand instinctively brushing her soft cheek, and she looked up at me lovingly.My fingertips tingled as a walked on. "Even if the skies. Get rough. I'm givin' you all. My love. I'm still looking up." I walked past her, towards the left side the stage. I skipped a part, and suddenly got real loud. "Cause even the stars! They burn. Some even fall to the earth." I walked back to the right side of the stage, glancing at my princess. A small smile was on her face, but her cheeks were still pink. "we've got a lot. To learn. An' god knows we're worth it. " I walked back to the couch, propping my foot on the front of it, a cushion away from my princess. I was so close to her, I couldn't breathe, but I sang on, "No:I won't give up." I strummed the guitar for a while, skipping the fast part of the song." I won't give up. On us. Even if the skies. Get rough! I'm givin' you all. My. Love. I'm still looking up!" I sang so loud and powerfully, the boys backing me up like gospel singers. I got quiet and softly sang the end:" I won't give up. On us. Even if the skies get rough. I'm givin' you all my love. I'm still lookin' up." 

The song ended soon after that, and a wave of applause and noise overcame my thoughts. I awkwardly took my foot of the couch, and backed away, not wanting to take my eyes away from my princess. The stage faded to black, and instead of walking away, I strode over to the couch. I couldn't take it, I needed my arms wrapped around her. I sat on the couch where my foot was, and slowly reached my hand sideways. I kept reaching, reaching... She wasn't there. I sprung up, the guitar still slung in my back, and raced to backstage. I nearly flung off my guitar, and raced around to an exit. There was barely any light, so I squinted around, finally spotting a small door. I swung it open, and dashed into the still dark crowd. It was too dark for anyone to see me, so I raced to the front of the arena. Suddenly I was hit by a large weight, and I fell over.

A shoot of pain pumped into my hip, and I didn't notice I was laying drunkenly on the ground. I looked up dizzily, the weight stuck to my body. It was a girl, clinging to me for dear life! " Oh great!" I thought. How was I supposed to get back on stage? Suddenly the girl was ripped off me, and I felt hands fling me up into the air, and over a broad shoulder. I shut my eyes softly, knowing it was a bodyguard. He walked backstage, then slowly lowered me down onto a leather chair. I blinked my eyes open, sleepy and confused. "Wha.. What happened?" I mumbled. I looked up at the bodyguard. It was Paul. He was glaring at me, a vein throbbing grossly from his forehead. His nostrils flared in and out repeatedly, and his teeth were grit. "What!" he almost yelled. "Gives you the audacity to do such a thing?!?!!" he was flat at hollering now. I looked up at his beady eyes, slightly terrified. "Love?" I said, nervously. He was about to say something, but the lights started coming back on. He yanked my arm nearly out of it's socket, pulling the rest of my body up with it. "Get out there now!" he yelled, sending me towards the stage with a shove.

I stumbled onto stage, just as Everything About You started. I jumped in at the chorus, jumping and dancing with the boys. My solo came on, and my eyes met my princess's. I smiled as I sang the words passionately, but I made sure not to linger near her, or that'd be way too suspicious.

We sang some more songs, and soon the concert was over. I had planned for my princess( whoever she turned up to be) to be invited to stay at our hotel, then finish the tour with us. It was pretty crazy, I know, and a lot to take in, but I couldn't lose her.

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