Chapter 2

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Finally! So sorry if anything is uncharacteristic, and i'll post more in a sec! ;) Read! And btw, there's a picture on the side, just randomness...

                            Harry's P.O.V

I was serious when I asked if she was hot. I wouldn't mind stealing Niall's girl. Everyone feels bad because he's the innocent one, but it doesn't fool me. I'm obviously waay better at getting girls than him, so it'll only be a matter of time before I'm the one with the princess! 

Niall had this weird plan to serenade this princess girl during the concert, like a One Less Lonely Girl type thing. He was actually going to use that song, but I told him it didn't work with his voice. I wasn't really trying to be mean, just honest. He got all upset and red-faced, so I'm not sure what song he'll sing. He's kinda weird with this true love s***.  The other day I saw him kissing his hand and talking to himself, saying "I love you my princess." Like how odd is that! One time Louis asked what would happen if his 'princess' didn't love him, and Niall sorta started crying at the thought. I felt kinda bad for him, but he's just a complete child.                                    

                Jill's P.O.V

When we got to the concert, we had to get our picture taken. I didn't really know why, but it was quick. I tried to smile nicely, for whoever was caring, but we were quickly hustled along. I noticed the photographer had one if this printer camera things, so it comes out right away. A security guard took a whole stack of them into a nearby room. I really don't know why. While we were waiting in line, I heard excited screaming coming from behind us, by the photo area. I couldn't see anything, but a girl five people behind reassured us that it was only the 'ugly blonde kid'. Rose had to hold me back from punching the stupid girl. But I was still excited. It was Niall! Oh my gosh. He was going to be inches away from me. A weird feeling bubbled inside of me. I don't know what it meant, I was anxious I guess.

We FINALLY got to into the actual area where they were performing. There were already thousands of fans inside, screaming, singing, laughing, talking, overall making a lot of noise. We excitedly found out seats, Front Row, exactly in the middle, too. I couldn't wipe the silly grin off my face, as we sat down in velvety seats. "This is nice." murmured Rose, gazing around in awe. We talked and chatted and sang for what felt like forever, until the lights went down, like a movie theater. Ear-shattering screams rang out, and I covered my ears. I wasn't a screamer. I was more if a Woo!-this-is-awesome sorta person. Rose on the other hand cheered loudly. A loud chant started happening, and soon the whole arena was yelling " One Direction! One Direction! One Direction!" over and over again. My ears were already ringing.

                Niall's P.O.V

The concert was about to start in ten minutes, and our stylist touched up our makeup and hair. Zayn's stylist almost had a panic attack because she misplaced a can of super hold hairspray. I was wearing a white polo with a black collar, a gray sweater, and maroon pants. I hoped I looked good for my princess. The boys were wearing their usual, Zayn in his varsity jacket, Louis in his blue and white striped shirt, red pants and suspenders and Toms to tie it all together. Harry was wearing his navy blue jacket and Liam was wearing a plaid shirt and some black pants. 

I found myself pacing back and forth, so scared for the concert. Liam strolled by, but stopped when he saw me pacing. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Why are you so nervous!"

I breathed rapidly, shyly saying, "It' princess. What if I see her, and completely freeze up?" Liam gave me an all-knowing smile. 

"Aww!" he gushed "You're just too cute when you're nervous!" he tapped his finger on my nose. "You'll be absolutely fine. Just make her proud!" He patted my back and walked away. "Make her proud.." my head buzzed as the words echoed inside if it. I was snapped out of my thought when I heard a loud noise coming from the arena.

The lights had gone out, and there was only two words I could make out in the noise: One Direction. We waited for the suspense to build. We all grabbed our mics, and took deep breaths. 

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