Chapter 1 part 2?

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I just made this another part? Urgh! Idk I'm so new... but her we go!

Niall's P.O.V

I was getting pumped for this concert. The tour was almost over, and I had this insane feeling about this concert. I paced back and forth uneasily as the other boys fiddled with their mics and clothes. Zayn was nowhere to be seen, as his hair was still being done. I went to the Green rooms buffet table, and eagerly stuffed a couple pretzels in my mouth. I chewed frantically, I eat too much when I'm nervous. As I gazed around at the activity in the room, munching on the pretzels, a security guard tapped my shoulder. I spun around, my hand strayly combing through my hair. The muscled man looked at me expectantly. "Well?" he asked in his gravely deep voice. I gave him a questioning look. "Sir, are we still photographing every female concert goer? It's getting to be a hassle." I gave him a grim look. "No. I will find my princess!" he looked at me oddly. "So yes!" The security rolled his eyes and walked away, obviously annoyed that I still wanted to have the "princess hunt". I angrily plopped on the red leather couch. I turned to see Zayn tapping away on his iPhone. I sighed heavily. I wanted my princess so badly. I couldn't wait this long. I was so depressed behind my cheerful mask. Every other boy in the band got girls as they pleased. I was always too quiet and ugly. Zayn patted my shoulder. He gave me a knowing look and softly said "She'll come mate." I looked over at him, suddenly furious. I felt the anger swirling like a smoke cloud in my gut, and my face turned red. How could he say this? What did he know? I clenched my fist and unclenched, and clenched and unclenched. Zayn stared at me confused. This made my anger increase until I finally yelled “Does anyone care?" All the noise in the room stopped. The boys looked at me, fear in their eyes. The stylists had stopped, and all eyes were on me. Frustrated and embarrassed, I stormed out if the room. I kept walking at that heavy pace, until I got to the photo area. Most of the fans were already inside, but there was an hour till the concert started. I walked past the area where the girls got photographed, and stormed to the photo room. A few fans ran at me before I could get by, and I felt grabbing hands on my shirt.

Security hurriedly ripped them off, but not before one seven year old whispered "I want your lucky charms" into my ear. Freaked out, I ran into the photo room, slammed the door, and looked up at the walls. There was billions of photographs of girls, billions. Underneath each photograph was a small ID number, in case they were they right one. You see, I was searching for my princess in these pictures. I searched through the taped pictures on the wall, so desperate for my princess. My eyes passed over the faces.... No. No. Too short. No too tall. No. No. No no no no no! Where was my princess? I was frantic. I was angry. I needed her. My eyes fell on a random girl, and my heart stopped. My princess.

I stared at the picture long and hard. So happy, so excited, I ripped the photo off the wall. I danced around happily, doing a little jig. I skipped around the empty room, singing "My princess!" in a deep opera voice. I practiced talking to her. "Hello. In Niall you're my princess." or maybe "Hey beautiful, wanna marry me?" I giggled at my smoothness. Still skipping and jigging like an idiot, a swung open the door and deep voicedly sang "I'm baaack!" I wasn't sure what had gotten into me. I pulled a security guard to the side, as the fans were screaming crazily. "Niall!" they shrieked "We love you!" I was too happy to be upset, so I turned around and waved. In pretty sure someone fainted.

The security guard gazed at my gruffly. "What?" he said stupidly. I rolled my eyes. "Here is the one I want. When the time comes, find her." I said this gruffly and sternly, he couldn't mess this up. He nodded and left. I slowly walked back to the Green Room, humming. "I'm in love with Miss ID 4452 " I thought. Wow. My princess.

My hand was on the doorknob of the Green Room when I snapped into reality. What the heck was I gonna say to them after my outburst? I had been really random and immature. With a deep breath, I swung the door open. "Ah Niall," Harry said with a smirk. "Glad ya could show up." I eyed the Cheshire boy. I loved the boys like brothers, but out of all of them, Harry was the one I least got along with. I rolled my eyes, and clapped my hands together. "Right! I'd like to make an announcement!" It was just us boys now, and as I said that, Harry whispered something to Louis. They both looked up with smirks on their faces. Zayn and Liam looked up as well. "Well guys.." I started awkwardly. What should I say? I have to apologize, but tell them something too. "I-I uh..." I stuttered "On with it!" Harry barked loudly. "Sorry bout before. It's just that I was so depressed, but guys, I found my Princess!"

"Really? Are you sure?" Louis asked scratching his chin. "We don't want you to get hurt." Liam added, concern and worry showing on his face. "Great man!” said Zayn. Harry smiled cheekily, and then said "Is she hot?" I looked at all of them. I sighed. "Guys, she's my princess. I'm positive. She will love me right back, and I won't get hurt. We're meant to be. Thanks for the concern, but I know my princess." They looked at me, blinking. Harry gave me a perverted smile and said " Yeah, but is she hot?" I smiled, a little fakely, holding back the urge to slap him for talking like that. "She's beautiful." Zayn clapped a hand on my back. "Congrats mate." I smiled and thanked him. Liam eyed me, but cracked a smile. "I'm glad for you." he said. "But you must be very caref-" "Liam!" I exclaimed. "It'll be fine." Louis walked up to me next. "If she turns out to be a total jerk, she will have to face the sassmasta from Doncaster!" I smiled "Thanks."

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