Chapter 4

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Vas Hppening? I couldn't wait to post and I gotta fan! Woo thanks!So this chap is cool cuz last chapter was amazing! I mean in a plotline way...

Jills Pov

I was scared. Terrified. Worried. The security guard towered in front of me, a small light shining on my face. "Come with me please." he said in a brisk voice. I shot a terrified look at Rose, and reluctantly followed the man. What did he want? Was the contest I won some sort of fake illegal scam? I shuddered. The man stop short right at the stage, a small step leading to it's darkness. He pointed to the step stool. I gave him a "what? I'm not climbing that!" look, and he sighed. "It's a surprise or something. Climb up, and that guard," he paused pointing to a figure on the stage, "will lead you to were you need to be." I nodded. Wait what? Why was I going on stage? What the Heck?! Sighing, a climbed up onto the stage, let the other guard take my arm, and walk me to a random spot. "Sit." he ordered. I waved my hands about underneath me, making sure not sure on air.  My hands hit something solid... A couch? I sat, and I heard him leave. "Wait mister!" I called. Oh great. Wait a second! An idea popped into my head. Could this be THE couch? The one they sat in? A chill slithered down my back. Whoah. This was getting too good!

The lights slowly came on. I spun around quickly, as the screaming. crushed my ears. I heard a lot of boos and someone threw a fake tomato at me. I didn't know what was happening, I felt so uncomfortable and afraid. Behind me were Liam, Zayn Louis, and Harry. Harry, noticing me,  flashed a cheeky smile. I gave him a small smile back, my lips pressed together firmly. Why were they doing this? 

Suddenly the screaming intensified. I made eye contact with Rose, she pointed over to the right. I turned my head, and saw Niall approaching me. I shivered, in excitement and fear. A guitar was slung on him, and he began playing. He started singing "I Won't Give Up" by Jason Mraz. He walked towards me, but circled the couch as he sang. His eyes never let mine, and a sweet smile was always on his face. He was singing to me! I realized. I didn't know why, but I felt my cheeks flush.

At the chorus he walked right in front of me, reaching his hand out to brush my face with his hand. I stiffened a little, but his touch felt so nice. As he walked in another direction (he could only go in one mwaha!) , it all came down on me. Niall Horan touched me. Niall Horan was inches away, staring happily into my eyes. Niall Horan was singing to me, and the boys of One Direction were feet behind me. A grin spread over my face. Oh. My. Gosh.

Niall walked back over to me, his angelic voice floating to me and kissing my ears. His foot propped up against the couch, and he was leaning towards me. My eyes widened, but I couldn't stop smiling. He serenaded me through the rest of the song, his foot still propped on the couch, his blue eyes gleaming.

Finally, the song ended, the lights popping back to dark, and I felt the weight of Niall's foot leave. I giddily hugged myself, as I strained to hear his footsteps going away. I heard a gruff voice in my ear, a security guard asking me to go back to my seat. He lead my away, and I heard a crunch sound that you hear when someone gets on a couch. I spun around, but couldn't see a thing. Soon I was back in my seat, telling everything to Rose. The lights went back on, and the music to Everything About You came on. Just as the song was officially going to start,  a frazzled looking Niall darted in stage, just in time. I studied him. His blonde hair had a mark in it, like when you lean against something with your skin, and you get a weird pattern. The side of his face was red, so it looked like he was sleeping on the ground. Nonetheless, he sang happily, glancing at me every now and then. The concert was a blur after that. They sang a lot of songs, and Harry flung his jacket to the crowd. It landed two rows behind me and Rose, who was so bubbly and happy. But the boys left, with a "Thank you everybody!" soon people started filing out by the masses, causing a major traffic jam. Rose and I were trapped, being the first row. Just as I was about to scoot over and out of the row, followed by Rose, a guard grabbed my arm. "Come with me." he ordered. I grabbed onto Rose, as the guard pulled us through some doors to the side of the stage. He handed me a piece of paper. "You are invited to stay at the Hilton hotel with One Direction, then finish the tour traveling with them." I gazed at the card, stating what he had just said. A room key was taped to the back. Rose looked at me, openmouthed. The guard looked annoyed. " Do you accept?" he questioned. The weight of the world seemed to be on my shoulders. "I.. Uh... Sure!" the guard nodded, and pulled me behind him again. "Then come with me."  I told Rose to text our parents, I wasn't sure if I'd see then in awhile.

The guard led us to a room, a plopped us on a couch. "Wait here." he instructed. I looked around the room, as Rose excitedly babbled with me. There was a table full of food, a couple mirrors and makeup tables, and another couch. The whole room was painted a lime green. The green room! I heard fumbling with one of the doors, so I motioned Rose to be quiet. The doorknob jiggled, then swung open. 

Who is it? Next chapter!

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