1 - Sebastian (Old version)

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Queen Gabriella rubs her stomach, while her king is doing crime paperwork. As she walked, maids and servants bowed to her as she was walking by, she headed to their bedroom, to pull out a book.

While she was reading, she heard the door opening. "My love," King Maxwell said, suddenly came in while reading to their child.

Queen Gabriella looked from her book, raising a brow at him. "Yes?" she questioned, putting down the book.

He took a deep breath before he opened his mouth to speak. "My love, I don't want you to freak out, but I want you to meet someone" he spoke.

She tilted her head. "Who?" she asked.

King Maxwell called in someone, who was taller than her king. "Good afternoon, your majesty," said the young man with a bow.

She looked at her king in question. King Maxwell coughed, "This young man is Sebastian Manzo, I hired him to be our daughter's guard."

"Including helped with the crimes" he explained.

Sebastian bowed, "I hope whatever it takes, I'll protect the princess."

Queen Gabriella looked at King Maxwell in panic. "My love, may I talk to you in private?" she asked. "Also, Sebastian, you're dismissed."

Sebastian bowed once more, leaving the two alone. "Have you lost your mind?" Queen Gabriella asked, which was the one thing that popped from her mind. "Is he human?"

He awkwardly coughed, looking nervous. "Honestly he isn't human. You see, Sebastian is a fallen angel who's looking for a good job, and would do anything to complete that task, and he doesn't want to make the same mistake from his past too. I believe he would be great for our daughter" he said.

Fallen angel?, Queen Gabriella thought.

She sighed, "It's what keeps our daughter safe. I'll put my trust in Sebastian."

Just hope he would do this personally, she thought.



The picture above is Sebastian Manzo. And that's chapter 1. Wow, I don't have a lot to say but hope you enjoy it. Oh, also...what would you think if Trapped from Reality becomes a series? Will you enjoy it? Because I believe I could do it. Welp, that's all. Byeee


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