3 - The King

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After the discussion with Her Majesty, Sebastian and Ron made their way to where the other knights were. 

"You know," Ron starts, odd of him conversing with this young boy who tries to find a place to stay, and now this boy will be the youngest knight of the castle ever. 

Sebastian waits for the knight to continue with what he had in mind. Ron closed his eyes, trying to explain to this boy as simply as possible. 

"You know, it won't be easy to become a knight. It takes time, patience, and training to be one of us. " Ron would think it would startle him off, but he was proved wrong. 

Sebastian just looked ahead and plainly said, "I'm mindful of that. I have been through a lot in my life already, so I won't let anyone down." 

Not again, of how much my old life has been, Sebastian thought. He looked up at Ron and said, "Besides, I'm not afraid of death. " 

Ron was too stunned to speak of a little boy he had just met in the castle, and now he's going to be the youngest ever in history. 

Wait, does the king know about it? 

The King, aka Queen Gabriella's husband, King Maxwell Calabrese. The person you don't want to mess with. Includes the knights who are on his side. One wrong move, and he would cut off your head to the dragons. Ron has seen it before in his life. He just wasn't sure this kid would deal with it. 

"Don't forget, King Maxwell doesn't mess around, you know. That's a warning," Ron told Sebastian, Sebastian, he understands the situation with King Maxwell. He was also a handsome man in the kingdom, with his blonde hair, pale skin, 6'5 "frame, and green eyes. While the Queen had long, straight brown hair and blue eyes, and she was like 5'3 "tall, and she was so sweet to him. 

Sebastian didn't seem to be scared of what would come in the future. He would become stronger than how he was in his life. To fight beside the king. 

He glanced at Ron once again and finally said, "I'm aware of that." When they finally reached where the other knights were. 


A fresh new year, and I'm back! I gladly to be back to work on this story, I didn't give up, I just had a few brain blocks and stuff, and this chapter is finally out. I missed everyone!

Well, that's all.  See you soon, lovely readers.


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