Acceptance Letter

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Your POV


"No please don't touch them " a women shouted behind her was a small baby girl and a boy she was protecting her from a man with a big black robe I couldn't see his face. He smirked towards the women.

"No No No please leave us" the women shouted again she was scared to death.

"Crucio!" the man said and pointed his wand at the women infront of the babies. The women in front of the baby fall down on floor with an agonizing scream her body was in extreme inflicting excruciating pain her whole body was shaking so hard her scream filled whole room with fear the babies started crying as well . The torture was continued for what feel like year at last the man stopped but then he shouted-

"Avada Kedavra" a green light emerged from the wand and went straight to the women on the floor the scream stopped, no voice could be heard the only voice was the babies crying. As the man came forward towards the babies

"Avada Kedavra" but the curse reversed towards himself and he went straight backward and the babies were left with scars the boy had scar on his forehead while the girl had scar on her wrist. Then the man left.


I woke up with sweats covering my body I often see this nightmare but when I ask my parents they say that its just a bad dream that comes to my mind I need to just ignore it but every night I keep seeing all this even if I don't want to. I looked towards my scar on my wrist I had it since I was born I don't know how I got this I couldn't help but relate this scar from my dream I asked my parent about this but my parents never explained me this. I went to washroom for getting all fresh then went down for breakfast Hermione my best friend stay few house away from mine.

"Sweetie could you please check the mail" my mum shouted from the kitchen.

"Okay mum " I shouted back. I went to check the mail few letters were for my father but I was surprised when I saw a mail with my name on it. I went and showed it to my parents they were confused at first but then a warm smile spread across their face my mum looked rather excited.

"Honey please sit and hear this out okay then we will explain you everything in detail" my dad said which made me more confused I had so many questions going in my mind but I decided to let my parents tell me what is actually happening.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. (l/n),

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

After my dad finished reading I had so many questions in my mind what does this letter means? what is Hogwarts, a wizard or a witch? I just don't know.

"Hear us out first we know you are confused but this is truth you are a witch. "

"A what? what do you mean by i'm a witch?" I asked shocked from what they said I can't be a witch I mean how can I ? Hermione came running to my house.

"Y/N Y/N Y/N do you know what did I got" she said hugging me so tight that I couldn't breath and nearly breaking my bones.

"Can't Breath " I said when I couldn't take anymore. she released me and finally I started to breath fast till I was stable again.

"I got my acceptance letter from Hogwarts and i'm a witch. Can you believe it" she was so excited and I was more shocked hearing this as well she is a witch like me. I told her about mine and showed her mine letter. she nearly got me deaf by shouting with excitement. Her parents got her few books about Hogwarts so we both studied few things about it.

After sometime our parents took us to Diagon Alley with floo powder we got the things we needed I got an owl for myself which was light brown in color I named him Derek. we got our wands from ollivanders I got a wand which had Phoenix feather core even ollivander was staring at me I got this weird feeling but I just let it slide and went over to my parents.

Our parents had our tickets and we are going to leave tomorrow for Hogwarts. we parted ways for packing our stuffs. That night I couldn't sleep as I was excited to learn something new about a whole different world.

Both mine and Hermione's parents are Muggles (non-Magical folks) still they know about magic because of our aunt and uncle because they went to Hogwarts for learning magic. I was happy I will meet new people and make friends so much I will learn I couldn't wait. I don't know when I slept thinking about the fun and beautiful beginning of my life a fresh one. Where i would be no more same as i was before i will learn new things , new experiences, all of it. I just hope i would do just fine. Let's see what does the future holds for me.


Here is the first chapter its all about reader no mention of harry because i need to explain things about reader. reader is not actual child of what she think is her parents i won't tell now but later you will get to know about it.

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