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=Lauren 💕
=Matthew 🍃

💕- Hey

🍃-hey are you alright!?

💕- yea I'm find but I'm so sorry I didn't know she would be home early

🍃-It's ok I promise

💕-no it's not, I forgot I was moving and stuff... Your just the only thing in my mind

🍃- oh really 😏

💕-Yea ☺️

🍃- Your underwear + booty is always on my mind now 💭

💕-I knew you was looking at my butt 😄

🍃- You caught me red handed🚨

💕- haha come over though

🍃- are you sure that's a good idea?

💕- I'm positive I told my mom that
she could never keep us apart ☺️

🍃- alright I'll be their in a minute 😘

💕- ok and bring some cardboard
boxes please!

🍃- ok and hmm...


🍃- I wonder if you will still be in your underwear when I get there. They looked really good on you

💕- Yea I will have them on under my pants 😂

🍃- 😑😂 I'll take them off 😏

💕-I would like to see you try

🍃- Are you trying to challenge me?

💕-just come over espinosa
Matthews POV~

I went to my dad and I asked him if he had some cardboard boxes. He gave me the "lovey dovey" look again.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••=Matthew 🍔
=Matthews Dad aka Hunter🍊

🍊- So how's that girl, son

🍔- She's not my girl, but she's the most gorgeous girl I have every seen and she's so nice.

🍊- Really? We'll treat her nice son, because I've seen her cuts and I've witness the bullies. I was going to introduce her to you myself but it looks like you done it all ready.

🍔- What do you mean you witness the bullies.

🍊- Son... They would chase her to her house and throw eggs at her and push her on the ground and beat her up and take all her school work and would threaten her. But that's all I had witness but I know she suffers more.

🍔- Did you do anything about it!?!

🍊- We'll duh son. I would chase them away and check up on her. I asked her if she wanted to go to the hospital but she would say no every time and run away from me because her mom.

🍔- oh...

🍊- Well the card board boxes are under the sink

🍔- Ok thanks dad and do you have any pain relieve medicine because she is really sore

🍊- Yea here is some pain reliever

🍔- Thanks dad

🍊- Anytime Son

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