There Was A Time

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I'm starting to like Garth more and more. Why couldn't you have met up with him instead of the Winchesters?

I tried to ignore Venom as I looked around the house. Garth sobered up a bit but he was still acting a bit goofy. Sam decided to go visit the widow and I'd offered to go with him, but Dean was so persistent about me going with him and Garth because my little parasite would sense something if it's still there. His words, not mine.

"Well," Dean asked Garth as I finished inspecting the second floor of the house.

"Place is clean," Garth said. He pulled out his EMF. "My EMF is a nada." He pulled out a second one. "So is this one."

"Is that mine?"

"Yeah. I borrowed it in case mine's broke."

Ha! Garth, you're my new favorite person.

"I've got nothing upstairs," I said as I walked down the stairs. I gave Dean a knowing look. "Nothing was picked up."

"So...uh...we still on invisible werewolf?" Garth wondered.

"Maybe, maybe not," Dean answered. "I can't get Tess to talk. But I get the feeling she saw something."

Of course, she saw something. If she didn't then she would have been crying like a little baby. Or maybe she doesn't want to talk to Dean's stupid face. I sure wouldn't.

"Maybe I should talk to her," I said. "She might be comfortable talking to, you know...a girl."

Dean scoffed. "You're kidding, right?"

I gave him a look. "Would you talk to someone who has a resting bitch face?" I pointed at his face. "Especially with that scowl."

"What are you talking about? People love my face. Especially the ladies."

I think I'm gonna barf.

I rolled my eyes at him again before walking towards the living room. "Mr. McAnn?" I called out. "Do you mind if we speak to Tess alone for a moment? It would really help."

Show him your cleavage and give him a puppy dog pout. Most perverts can't resist that.

Why the hell do you think everyone's a pervert?

That's not true.

Besides Garth.

Then everyone here's a pervert.

McAnn nodded before giving his daughter a comforting pat on her hand. "Honey...we'll be right out there, ok?" he told her.

"Thank you," I said as they gave us a moment. I gave Tess my best smile as I sat down on the table in front of her. "Hi, Tess. I'm Agent Van Scotter and these are my friends. We're here to help you out and we can't do that unless we know what happened tonight. Would you like to tell me what you saw?" Tess shook her head. "Was it really scary?" She nodded.

I let out an oomph when Garth basically bumped me off the table. I grip the edges so I wouldn't fall off while he grabbed my arm and held his arm out to stop me.

"Sorry, Lexi," he apologized. See, that's a gentleman. I mentally rolled my eyes at the comment as Garth looked at Tess. "Would it make you feel better if you talk to..." I covered my hand over my mouth while Venom laughed when Garth pulled out his fuzzy sock puppet and did his high pitched voice. "Mr. Frizzles! I'm your friend. Yay!"

Dean's annoyed. Extra points for Garth!

"Garth. Why don't we put the sock away and let Lexa do the talking?" Dean asked flatly, not amused by this at all.

Garth still replied with the voice. "Mr. Fizzles wants to help Tess. And Lexi loves it when I'm around like that one night in the room."

Venom busted out laughing. He used the sock as a sex toy! I hope he washed that thing after you guys used it. Is that leftovers I see around the mouth?

Not like that! He brought it out when we were drunk and did a little puppet show.

That's not what it sounds like. Ha, ha, ha! Dean's looking more disgusted by the second.

I sighed. "Just let the puppet do the talking," I replied.

"Yes, let me," Garth high pitched. "I want to listen."

"Mr. Fizzles is gonna go where the sun don't shine," Dean responded annoyingly.

Garth opened Mr. Fizzle's mouth in a shocking way before moving his hand around to make it look like Mr. Fizzles is screaming.

"It was a monster," Tess said as she looked more scared of the puppet.

"I believe you, Tess," I said. "Did the monster have...claws?" She nodded as she tried to scoot away from the sock and more towards me.

"How come you were the only one that could see it, Tess?" Dean asked. Tess shrugged her shoulders.

The girl's lying.

"What else, Tess?" Garth/Mr. Fizzles asked. She shrugged her shoulders again. "You sure? 'Cause Mr. Fizzles can sense when you're being a..." he finished in a deep voice "liar."

"All right. That's - That's enough...Mr. Fizzles," Dean said.

"I drank a grown-up drink," Tess confessed.

"A grown-up drink?" I questioned. "Like, uh, coffee?" She shook her head. She means a beer, stupid! "Beer?"

"It was an accident." Tess looked at the sock puppet. "Don't let them arrest me, Mr. Fizzles."

It was like we knew who she was talking about. Garth and I turned our heads and looked at Dean, who looked really offended.


A/N: OMG, I loved writing this scene. And sorry for this very short chapter.

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