Send Me An Angel

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So I told Emanuel my side of the story. About meeting Dean at a kid's playhouse. About how I've been trying to hide Venom from them until, well...they found out about him.

I told you to let me kill them.

"So, your brother..." Emanuel started.

"Sam," Dean and I answered.

"Sam. What's his diagnosis?"

"Well," Dean began before clearing his throat. "It's not exactly medical."

He's seeing Lucifer in his mind for Christ's sake. I've met looney but that really takes the cake.

Emanuel nodded. "That should be fine. I can cure illness of a spiritual origin."

"Spiritual?" I questioned as I poke my head out from the back to look at Emanuel. "And what about me? Let's say this symbiote gets annoying and I want to get rid of him."

Emanuel thought about it. "No. The symbiote must stay with you until it could find another healthy host."

Ha! You can't get rid of me that easily.

I gave a mock pout. "Too bad. But can you really fix Sam? Some sick son of a bitch did this to him."

I could see Dean grip the steering wheel. I could almost see the fumes coming off him.

He reeks of it.

"You're angry," Emanuel pointed out.

Dean nodded. "Well, yeah. Dude broke my brother's head."

"He betrayed you, this dude. He was your friend?"

I scoffed. "Oh, please. From the stories Sam and Dean told about him, this guy is anything but their friend." I reached over and placed my hand on Dean's shoulder to give him a comforting/reassuring rub. To let him know that I'm there for him. "The guy's practically Satan himself. But he's gone, otherwise, Venom and I would have killed him."

Ooh, I wonder what the devil tastes like.

I saw the small smile on Dean's face as he brought one hand up and grabbed mine. His thumb started to massage my fingers as his way of saying thanks.

He better get your hand off you, now!

"You guys killed a lot of people, haven't you?" Emanuel asked. His eyes glancing at mine and Dean's hands which made me pull away. "I could sense that you three kill a lot of people. Mostly Venom."

Hey, those people deserved it. They were a bunch of airheads that wanted everything handed to them on a silver platter. I would have gotten them all if it wasn't for Spiderman!

"Honestly, I - I don't know if he's dead," Dean said after a while. "I just know that this...whole thing couldn't be messier. You know, I used to be able to just shake this stuff off. You know, whatever it was. It might take me some time, but...I always could. What Cas did...I just can't - I don't know why."

"Well, it doesn't matter why."

"Of course, it matters."

"No. You're not a machine, Dean. You're human." Emanuel paused. He glanced at me through the mirror before he turned his attention back to Dean. "You have emotions like the rest of us. There are some things that you can't shake off." Then there was another pause "Your friend's name was Cas? That's an odd name."

Like Emanuel is such a great name.


Dean finally stopped at a small liquor store. Finally, I need to stretch my legs. He told Emanuel to stay in the car while I got out. My muscles were sore from sitting down all night.

We Are Venom 》Supernatural Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora