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Ah, lying to the feds. I miss this part of the job. Well, it's not really a job if I don't get paid for it. The paramedics were putting a sheet over the dead body. Sam, Dean, and I had to dress up in our 'professional' attire.

Oh, I love the smell of dead bodies in the morning.

Sam cleared his throat as we went up to the crime scene. The officer turned around as we held up our fake badges. The officer barely glanced at them before letting us through.

I don't know who's worst, you or Eddie?

"You know, every time we do this, I wonder if today's the day," Dean said. "We walk up, flash our tin to a bunch of chompers pretending to be policemen."

"I hear you," Sam admitted.

At least it's better than running from the police.


Somone's behind you.

Just then, a hand clamped on Sam's shoulder, making him jump. Pussy.

"Thought you guys might show up. It's the drummer boys, Agents, um Bonham...and Watts, right?" the guy asked.

Drummers for names. Pathetic.

"Right," Sam answered.

He looked at me. "Oh, I see you brought another partner."

I placed my hand out. "Agent Parker." Oh, god, I could hear Venom growl.


Hey, at least it's not a drummer's name.

Anything's better than Parker.

The man shook my hand. "Detective Sutton." Sutton placed his hands in his pockets. "Sad to say, case looks to be open again."

"Are you sure?" Dean asked.

Sutton walked towards the dead body. "Same tools. Same cuts. Same crazy." Flies started to buzz over the body. Gross. "Makes sense. I mean, we didn't catch the critter last time, did we?"

"Any suspects?" I asked.

"Same as before." I looked at the broken glass behind the van. "Very thorough. Cold-blooded."

Look on your right.

I looked towards the right to see some yellow powder on the carpet. I patted Dean's arm and pointed towards the stuff. He nodded at me before thanking the detective. Once we left, I placed my finger on the dust and swiped it. I brought the substance up and smelled it.

Eww, what smells like rotting eggs?

Sam came over. "Yup, it's sulfur," I told the boys.

"Damn it," Dean said. "Better go check on Havelock."


The guys knew the person better than I did, so I'd let them talk to her. They told me they were looking for some guy name Jeffery. I really don't know who this Jeffery is or who he looks like, so I followed the guys' lead. We were in the alleyway of this animal shelter and waited for Jeffery. Sam patted my arm when a guy with a dog came out. I ran over and grabbed the dog while Sam and Dean pulled Jeffery into the alley. Dean held the knife against Jeffery's throat while Sam pointed his gun at him.

Oh, boo hoo. Someone pulls you into a dark alley. There's no need to cry about it.

"Jeffery?" Sam called out to the panic boy.

"Jeffery?" Dean tried. Jeffery looked at the older brother in panic.

"Ok. Look, it's ok. You're ok, you're ok," Sam tried to calm him. "Sorry."

"Just had to make sure." The guys put their weapons away.

"Make sure of what - that I peed my pants today?" Jeffery asked. That would be funny.

"No," I slowly trailed off. The dog started to growl at me. It moved it's head around and began barking while its teeth snapped.

"What are you doing? You're scaring my dog," Jeffery said.

I handed the dog back. The dog kept barking at me. Jeffery tried to calm it down.

"Listen, Jeff, we got to, uh, we got to talk," Dean said over the barking. "All right, can you get her to stop?"

The dog kept spitting out saliva as it kept barking. "I don't know what's wrong. She's never acted like this before."

I know why.

Sam furrowed his brows as he glanced my way. I started to 'pat' my pockets before he looked away. Venom, do something.

Like what?

Anything. This thing won't shut up because of you.

I heard him groan before I felt a tendril come out my back. I flew out of my body and grabbed something before it went back in. Venom put the thing in my hand.

"Oh, that's why," I said. The guys looked at me as I held up....a hot dog. For crying out loud.

You said anything.

Dean gave me a confused look. "You carry hot dogs in your pocket?" Venom chuckled.

"No...I mean, yes," I lied. I went up and held the hot dog for the dog to eat. "She probably smelled it." To my relief, the dog stopped and started eating it.

Dean nodded before he started walking out of the alley with Jeffery. Sam gave me a confused look.

"You didn't have a hot dog with you," he pointed out.

I scoffed. "Of course, I did."

"But it was still warm. And if it was from your pocket there would have been lint or a string on it."


He crossed his arms. "Then where's the wrapper?" He motioned towards my pocket. "If it was in your pocket, there would have been a little lump."

He's getting suspicious. Let me kill him.

I shook my head. I was about to lie again, but Dean came back. "You guys coming or what?" he asked.

I have never been so thankful in my life. "Yeah. We're coming."

I ignored Sam's suspicious look and left.

You need to be more careful. He's already talking about you.

Well, he can't accuse me of anything without evidence. And there's none. I hope.


A/N: Who's going to find out about Lexa and Venom first? How are they going to find out? 🤷🤷🤷

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