Turn The Page

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Dean and I have been going through all of Bobby's contacts trying to find anything that could help us heal Sam. Any healers. Witches. Just something to take the devil out of Sam. Well, Dean has. My mind has been going back to that little girl back at the hospital.

That creepy little kid? They popped her one too many pills.

Yeah, but she wrote my name on the walls in her own blood. Not to mention that song she started to sing. It can't be a coincidence that she knew we were coming.

That kid was dropped when she was a baby.

Then why were you trying to pull me out?

So you don't get the crazy.

And I'm not crazy for talking to you?

Oh, you are. You just don't need to get worst. Look how Sam turned out.

Sam's not crazy! You try having the devil inside of you 24/7. Oh, wait. I have you.

No need to get snappy.

I won't need to be snappy if you help me figure out what the girl means. Who the hell is coming for me?

I don't know...Jesus.

Dean snapped me out of my own thoughts when he waved his hand over my face. "Lexa," he called out. I blinked a few times before looking at him. "You ok? You've been quiet since we left the hospital."

I gave him my best smile. "I'm fine."

He motioned to my head. "Is it that parasite?" Stop calling me that! Venom's tendril came out from my back and smacked Dean behind the head. "What the hell?"

"Sorry, he doesn't like to be called that," I explained.

"Well, he is one," Dean mumbled. I heard that! "Now, come on, what's up?"

I shook my head. "It's nothing. I just -" I grabbed the closest thing to me. I picked up the empty beer can and sloshed it around. "I just need another beer."

Dean nodded before he got up. "You and me both."

I hate lying to him -

Oh, now you do.

As I was saying, I hate lying to him. I told the guys no more secrets between us and that's what I'm doing. I don't even know what I'm trying to hide. A girl creeped me out, so what? I don't even know who's after me.

Well, duh. The moment they know they're going to leave you.

They're not going to do that. They didn't do that when they found out about you.

There's an obvoius reason for that.

Which is?

We're a valuable player for them. They think they could use us to kill this Dick Roman.

Again, they're not like that.

And you're just saying that because you have a thing for the older Winchester.

I do not.

Do so. I've seen the way you look at him. I'm you, remember? I could feel you snuggle closer to him when we were sleeping. Or he's already draping his arm around you when you fell asleep. Ok, I'll admit, he hasn't done it that long since he found out about me. But it's obvious that you have a thing for the Winchester boy.

"I do not!" I shouted. Dean turned around and gave me a confused look. I rolled my eyes and motioned towards my head. "It's Venom. He likes to listen to himself talk."

Dean slowly nodded as he closed the floor. "Right. I forgot the thing has a name." He motioned around me. "And apparently there's different types of him. At least he eats just like I do."

I started to chuckle. Yeah, they both have an appetite. There was this small gust of wind before something thudded on the ground. I looked up at Dean. "Did you leave the window open?" I asked.

Dean shook his head. "No. Did Venom knock something?"

I shook my head in return. Dean glanced at the ground where Bobby's contact list fell. We gave each other a confused look as we slowly walked towards it. Dean picked up the small book and a card came out. I picked up the card to and found a number in the back. Dean grabbed the card from my hand and started to dial the number.

That's weird.

You're weird.

I know I'm weird, but that's not the point. I didn't touch the book. You didn't touch the book. Dean didn't touch the book. Is this house haunted or something?

I don't think this house is haunted. We'd be dead by now.

Maybe Dean. I'll just heal us or push our body out the window.

Why do you hate Dean?

Why do you like him?

I don't like him.

Yes, you do. You're crush on him is worst than Eddie's when he was with your mother.

Ugh, I would be giving you such a dirty look right now.

Try me, bitch.

"Yeah, hi," I heard Dean. "My name's Dean. I'm a friend of Bobby Singer's. I'm, uh, looking for some info. If you could call me back at 7855550128. Thanks."

I sighed as I sat down on the couch. "What do we do now?"

Dean copied me. He offered me his beer, which I gladly took. "Drink. Call." He grabbed the beer from me and drank it. "Drink some more."

All I did was held my thumb up in response.

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