All The Small Things

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I don't know what to do. I don't. I can't get what happened back at the hospital out of my head. That little girl laughing that he's coming for me. Well, who the fuck is he and why is he coming after me?

Could be that dumbshit Parker? Or maybe his kid? Both are annoying anyways. Now can we drop this?

I doubt Peter or Ben would come after me. And why do you insist that we drop this?

Because it's just some stupid kid! Now shut up and give me some chocolate. Not the ones that cover pretzel. Those are disgusting.

Just like your appetite.

Hey, Dean has the worst appetite.

He eats like a pig, I'll admit. But you eat an actual pig alive.

He's scarfing his second cheeseburger right now!

I looked towards Dean's side of the Impala. His face was stuffed with what was left of his burger before he grabbed some fries and shoved them in his mouth. I would have cringed but Dean's cheeks were puffed up like a squirrel which was pretty funny. Especially when he's got ketchup at the corner of his mouth.

He noticed me staring. "What?" he asked with his mouth full.

Oh, god.

I chuckled as I pointed to the corner of his mouth. "You got a little something..." Dean took one hand off the wheel and started whipping the corner of his mouth. "There."

"Thanks," he said. Then he noticed the bag empty and the chocolate in my hand. "Still hungry? That was, what? 7 burgers with fries."

I shrugged as I unwrapped the chocolate bar. "What can I say? Venom loves his chocolate." A bright idea came to mind.

You better not!

I offered him some. "Want any?"

"Will it piss him off?" Dean asked.

I nodded. "Yep."

Dean smirked at me. "Then yes." Dean ripped half of the bar before he took a big bite.

"No!" Venom yelled before his head popped out of my shoulder. He was glaring at Dean. "That was my chocolate bar. No one touches my chocolate bar!" He got close to Dean's face. "Ever!"

"Too bad." Dean grabbed my half of the chocolate bar and shoved it in his mouth. He started laughing while showing Venom the food. "What are you going to do about it?!"

Venom grinned. "This."

His tendril came out and grabbed the wheel. He started to jerk the car violently. Dean tried to gain control of the car while I was yelling at them to stop. I grapped on the handle as the car swerved on both sides of the rode. Dean and Venom going at each others throats.

"Car!" Venom yelled. Then he retreated back into my body and jumped out the door.

I landed on the side of the road and looked over to see Dean doing a harsh turn so the car doesn't crash into another car. Dean pressed on the brakes which caused this big screech. Venom started to laugh as his head poked back out.

"Are you crazy? You could have killed us!" Dean yelled as he got out.

"Correction. It would have been just you."

Dean glared at him but motioned to me. "Lexa, get you ass back to the car. I'm going to play nails on a chalkboard if it means he shuts up."

"I'd rather walk," Venom said.

"I didn't ask you. I told Lexa."

Venom grinned. "Get this through your head, old man. Lexa and I are one person. I go where she goes. I can control her to do what I want. And right now..." Oh, no. Venom started to cover my body. "We're leaping."

"Venom, don't you -" Venom gave Dean the finger before he leaped us away from him. "Venom!"


This guy called us and said he knows a healer. Goes by the name Emanuel. Venom and I were waiting for Dean, but I wasn't talking to Venom. That was really childish. All that for a stupid candy bar.

He started it!


That was my candy.

I sighed in relief when Dean pulled up. Venom and I have been waiting for a few minutes. We would have been here hours but he wanted me to get all the candy. I didn't want to so he took it. Dean walked up the doorway and gave me a what the hell gesture.

"Sorry," I started. "The parasite can be a big pain in the ass."

"And you're still ok with it?" Dean asked. Then he shook his head. "Next time, you drive." Then he shook his head. "Nevermind. Venom might make you crash. You're taking your bike."

Fine with me. I can't deal with your music anyway.

I sighed. "Let's just find this Emanuel, ok?" Dean nodded before knocking on the door. "You sure this guy is legit?"

Dean nodded. "Guy checks out. We just need to talk to Daphne about him." The door opens to reveal a man in an ugly sweater. "Hi, uh, is this, uh -"

Lexa -

Shut up! I had enough of you.

"We're looking for Emanuel," Dean finished.

The guy smiled at us. "Well, you found him. Daphne's resting. If you don't mind."


Not another word.

"Oh, yeah, sure," I said.

For crying out loud!

Venom's tendril came out of my back and pinned the guy to the door. The guy started to choke while Dean and I gave each other wide-eyed looks.

"Venom!" I yelled.

He's a demon, Lexa. He's got someone tied up!

It's like if Dean knows what Venom said to me. He looked around the window. "Son of a..."

The guy's eyes turned black. He grinned at us before he thrust his hand forward and tossed me and Dean on the lawn. Venom picked up my body as the demon started walking down the stairs.

"You guys were saying?" he taunted.

Dean got up. "You know, I'd think twice. Or don't you know that your boss issued a hands-off memo?" He motioned to me. "And my friend here's got a demon eater in her."

The demon tilted his head. "Never seen you before, princess. Let's wait till Crowley hears about your little friend." He gave Dean a mock pout. "Is this your little helper monkey now? Is she going to give us Roman's head on a plate? No? Whatever Emanuel is, Crowley's gonna want him - a lot more than he wants you these days."

"Venom," I called out.

Roger that.

Venom started to cover my body again. He smirked at the demon, who looked scared. Venom leaped over and grabbed the demon by the neck before throwing him. Dean pulled something out of his pocket and stabbed the demon when he was near. His eyes glowing yellow before the body went limp. Dean pushed him off while Venom reverted back. The body fell in front of a man.

I looked at Dean. His eyes fell on Emanuel. This is the first time I have seen Dean froze.

"What was that?"

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