Damage Case

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Ok, Lexa, act normal. If I act normal then the brothers won't suspect that I'm harboring a symbiote with me. One that could possibly kill them, which I'm not going to let happen. That might be a little difficult right now since my body temperature is increasing. I feel like I'm in a sauna ready to pass out at any minute. Oh, god. Did my dad actually had to go through this?

I let Sam and Dean talk to this Jeffery guy. They know him longer than I do, they've dealt with the same demon. But we're here to protect him no matter what. Maybe Venom could eat his first demon.

Don't get my hopes up.  My mouth is watering already.

And thanks to Jeffery, we know the next person on this demon's list. Marjorie Wills. This demon apparently recites his list and it was burned in Jeffery's brain. And I feel like I'm buring from the inside out.

"Jeffery, will it be alright if I get some water?" I asked politely.

He nodded. "Sure."

I nodded in thanks before heading towards the fridge. I feel a little better once the cool air hit me. I wish I could leave it like this forever, but I needed to act normal. I grabbed the water and closed the fridge before I took a sip. The water felt cool down my throat. I thought I was only going to drink a little but I ended up chugging the thing. It just feels so good. I need more.

I opened the fridge and took another one out and drowned that thing. I placed the bottle on the counter before grabbing two arms full of bottles. Each one was gone in an instant. I feel a bit more cool but that doesn't stop the sweating.

"You ok there?" Dean asked.

I nodded as I placed the last bottle on the counter. "Yeah, just a bit thirsty that's all." I gave them a nervous chuckle followed by a smile.

Dean raised his brow as he motioned to the empty bottles. "A bit? It looked like you could drown the whole Pacific."

You'll get use to the heat.

Dean noticed the sweat dripping from my forehead. "You feel better now?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Healthy as a horse." I looked at Jeffery and motioned towards the empties. "I'll buy you some more."

"Never met anyone who loves water that much," he commented. I responded with another smile. I was saved when there was a knock on the door. Jeffery motioned us to be quiet as he answered it.

"Jeffery, did your, uh, guest sign in?" the landlord asked.

Jeffery started apologizing. "I'm really sorry, Alan. They're friends of mine from my days back at the post office. I didn't know they were coming."

Something smells fishy.

I'm not eating a fish for you!

Not that. Something seems...off.

"So, what do you guys think?" Sam asked as I sat back down next to Dean.

"I think we really helped mess this poor son of a bitch up," Dean answered. "Look at him. He's got a state-assigned dad."

I raised my brow at him. "Excuse me, we?"

He rolled his eyes. "Fine," he motioned to him and Sam, "us." He gave me a confused look. "You sure you're all right? You don't look so good."

I shook my head as he reached towards my arm. "I feel fine."

His brows shot up as his hand wrapped around my wrist. "Really? Cause you feel like you're ready to cook an egg with your body heat."

Sam reached forward and touched my forehead. "He's right. You're burning up."

"Nah, it's all in the genes," I lied. "We Brocks are usally warm like this."

"As long as you don't turn werewolf on us," Dean mumbled underneath his breath. Sam and I gave him a confused look. "What?"

"Did you just use a Twilight reference?" I asked amusingly.

"No. It was on one night and..." Sam and I held back a laugh. "Shut up."

As if he's team Edward or Jacob?

Oh, god.

There is not god here, just me.

"Ok, just get them to sign in when they sign out," Alan finished with Jeffery. The guys and I slowly got up as Jeffery closed the door.

"Uh, Jeffery, Look, I'm gonna go, uh, I'm gonna go find Marjorie Willis, keep her on watch, ok?" Sam explained. Jeffery looked a bit worried.

"Don't worry. Lexa and I are gonna stay here. Just in case," Dean added. I nodded in agreement.

Great, babysitting.


It's been quiet around Jeffery's apartment for the past hour. The three of us just sitting around and doing nothing. I'm getting a bit bored to be honest.

I motioned to the shirt Dean let me borrowed, since mine was drenched in sweat a half an hour ago. "Thanks for the loan."

He nodded. "Don't mention it."

I looked at Jeffery. "And I'm really sorry about the waters." I pulled my wallet out and took a $20 out before handing it to him. "This might be more than enought, but are we cool now? You don't see me as the girl who chugged the whole water supply?"

He slowly took it. "No. No, um, no. I mean, yeah, we're cool now."

I smiled at him. I turned to grab a beer, when, suddenly, there was this loud static noise. Soon enough I heard an electric guitar playing. The noise was so loud that I could feel Venom thrash around me. My head feels like it was on fire. Something was pounding on it with a hammer repeatedly.

"Sorry about that," Jeffery apologized. "That's my neighbor from down the hall. He always places his music when he gets home."

Make it stop. Make it stop!

"Guy has good tastes," Dean said

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"Guy has good tastes," Dean said. I gripped my head as Venom kept thrashing around. My head feels like needles were pricking it each second, getting rougher after each one. "What you think, Lexa?"

I gripped the chair with one hand while one went towards my head. "I gotta go."


I started rushing towards the door as Venom began screeching. Black veins started to crawl up my neck. "I'll be back!"

I heard Dean's chair scrape against the floor. "Lexa?" I was already out the door. "Lexa!"

Cover your head!

I covered my head as I felt Venom's tendrils come out my back. A few came out to launched me out the window while others covered me. The tendrils pushed me forward until we were on top of the building. We could still hear the guys music from the roof. I started running until I felt my legs push themselves off the rooftop. I thought I was going to fell. Hell, I was falling, but more tendrils crawled up my arm and grabbed the edge of the roof before pulling me up.

The pain stopped, that much was a relief. I was panting as I rolled to my side. Shit.

Now, that was close.


A/N: That was close.

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