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I woke up in my room and Dwayne was seated beside me. I put my hand in his and he looked over to me.
"You're awake" He smiled and kissed the top of my head.
I smiled back and our gazes locked.
"Thanks for coming to get me. I don't know what I would have done without you".

He stroked my cheek and dipped his head. I met him halfway and kissed him back. Lowering me to the bed, he fondled my breasts and I moaned, kissing him more fervently.

"Chris" Granny opened the door and we broke away. She stood ramrod for seconds before collecting herself.

"Are you hungry?" She asked and I nodded, forcing a smile and she left.

I stole a glance at him and he was staring at me. I was about to tease him about it when he piped up.

"I love you".

I froze and gazed motionlessly at him. "I have from day one and I'll love if you could be my girlfriend" He squeezed my hand softly and I lowered my gaze, feeling very special.

"Yes" I replied and his eyes widened.

"You'll be my girl?" He asked incredulously and I nodded, giggling.

He swept me off the bed into his arms and kissed me deeply.

"I love you baby" He repeated and I snuggled into his embrace.

"Oh look who's here" he informed and I looked over to see Domm.

I bounded off the bed and caught her up, kissing her and making her laugh.

"I missed you baby".

Granny called me for dinner and I beckoned to Dwayne who followed me to the kitchen.

Dwayne's phone rang and he went back to the room to pick it. I sat to dinner and Granny cleared her throat.

"What's going on?" I heard her say and when I raised my head to look at her, she had a succinct look on her face.

"We're kind of.... A thing now" I informed and she rolled her eyes.

"You think you're doing what's right?" She asked and I nodded feebly.

"He's outta this world Granny and I actually owe him a lot" I added.

"Yea I know, he rescued you and stuff but don't you think you're doing this to get over the girl's father?"she questioned. I blinked and dropped my fork.

"Granny?!" I squeaked. She raised her brows and I could feel tears prick at my eyes. Domm's hand slapped into my lap and I lowered my gaze to look at her.

"I didn't mean to make you feel bad Christa, I just think you should do this for the right reasons" She advised and I nodded, hating Jamil.

"I'm the best judge of how I feel" I concluded and she replied.
"Not everything that feels right is right".

"Look Granny, Dwayne loves me very much, only a few guys would want to be with a single mom like myself" I interjected, not knowing why Granny was so critic of Dwayne.

Granny chuckled and filled her cup with milk "If you feel that way, then you're giving out yourself" She said and I groaned.

"Granny, I'm lucky he still likes me even after knowing I have a daughter" I insisted and Granny snapped at me.

"You shouldn't view your daughter as a blemish in your life, you should be rather proud of her" I sighed and nodded. I was proud of my daughter but I knew it would be pointless to argue with Granny any further.

I then wondered why Dwayne wasn't back yet.

Jeez!! Was he eavesdropping by the door??

I got up quietly and walked to the door and felt relieved when I didn't see him there. I proceeded to the room and I made to enter when I saw he was still on the phone.

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