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It was late November and my school was already on holiday when I visited China. I was thrilled and giddy. I couldn't wait to see my Grandparents. Oh my bad!
When I say my grandparents, I mean the statue of my grandma who's dead and the warmth of my very much alive grandpa. He was a Kung fu master or whatever you call them. I smiled back at mom who was sipping lemonade from a yellow bottle. Dad was driving. Soon, the temple came into view and something gave way inside of me. I sighed and mom looked at me.

"Christa honey, remember to be nice and obedient to grandad and please stay outta the way of things" she said and I nodded. I had all my supplies and that made it seven huge bags in all. Well, ill luck if the students or the monks were at their rehearsals. then there'll be no one to help me with the bags.
Three of the bags contained my own stuff and others were food supplies for grandad. Dad drove to a halt and we alighted. Mom and dad helped me with my bags and we climbed up the hill to the temple. As usual, it looked deserted, wait a minute! Jesus hate f**k!
There were ceremonial lanterns everywhere with Chinese lettering on them in divers colors. Oh gosh, it looked so homely unlike the other times I had visited

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