3 - Blocking

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After a few weeks of rehearsals, the show was getting on the road, did a few of the songs, and they had be going through the scenes they had blocked all day.

Lauren always enjoyed reading with Jon. Though he was new, he always got really into character when they rehearsed and she enjoyed it. Even though it sucked to go to rehearsals almost every day, she knew she'd have fun because Jon was there, she knew she'd be okay because Jon was there... she never knew why but Jon just lifted her spirits.

"From the top of the scene inside Professor Higgins' safe house after 'Tied Up My Heart'?" Nick asked, but it wasn't like they could say no.

They got into places, Lauren sat down on the floor as Jon stood behind her, Joey sat in a chair, and Corey stood in the middle of them all. They were still all holding their scripts, the scene was half-memorized and they had just blocked the scene.

Corey and Joey started going off with their lines until Jon's character broke off their fight, from that point, it then focus' on Lauren and Jon's role's having a talk. Lauren can't help but smile and laugh at herself, receiving a comment from Nick to focus, and continues her part.

"'That's probably the start of my whole thing... you're the reason I don't like musicals.'" Jon laughs as Paul.

"'Woah, that's like your origin story.'" She jokes.

"'Yeah.'" He shrugs.

"'So, I guess, I'm like the super-villain?'"

"'I don't think of you like that at all, Emma.'" He smiles looking into her eyes.

She can't help but feel butterflies until realizing, he was only acting... was she truly in character or was she faking? could she fake those butterflies? she'd have to be one damn good actor to...

"Listen, um... Paul I-'" she starts, but is interrupted, as the scene continues when Jamie and Jeff come in.

They skip over the song to when Rob comes in and continue to go through till the end of the scene where Jon and Corey's characters decide to go get Bill's daughter, Alice.

"'Um, hey, Paul,'" she starts, dropping her script, "'if those things get you... they're going to make you sing a-and dance, and all that shit you hate...'" she grabs onto his hands and squeezes them, looking into his eyes, "'so don't you let them-'"

"Lauren, grab onto his face there and bring him in close." Nick calls out as a note, "say that last part again and try it."

She turns over to Nick and nods, then looks back over to Jon with a small laugh, he returns the awkwardness with a smile, "'and all that shit you hate...'" she pulls in in close by grabbing the sides of his face and going up on her tippy-toes, "'so don't you let them."

"'Emma,'" he grabs onto her sides, she holds her breath, "'there comes a time in-'"

"Jon, try grabbing onto her hands and slowly put them down," Nick calls out, "you can continue holding hands until you leave after your line."

Jon nods to him then starts his line over again, "'Emma,'" he starts again, though he is still holding onto her waist, "'There comes a time in'" he slowly put his hands on her wrists and started bringing them down, "'every man's life where he has to draw a line in the sand, and I, will never'" he holds onto her hands tightly, "'be in a fucking musical.'" He says, letting go, then walking off as he was directed to earlier.

"Haha, yes, exactly guys, yes, that's what I wanted for that scene!" Nick says excitedly as he marks a check next to the scene, "We'll end there for today. Great job today guys. Um..." Nick thought out loud, "I think tomorrow we will work on non-group songs so... 'Not Your Seed'... 'Tied Up My Heart'..." He said, "So, if you're not in those songs, you don't have to come, see you guys, all cast, Sunday."

Everyone left with a 'thank you' and 'goodbye' and started to head out of the dance studio room.

"I'll meet you in the car, Lo!" Joey called out with his hands full of some papers.

"Alright." Lauren yelled back, putting things away in her purse again, she looked up before getting up just to make sure she wouldn't hit anyone like she did Jon weeks ago.

She started to walk out, but Jon ran to her side putting on a small satchel around his neck, "Hey, Lauren." He engaged in conversation as he walked with her.

She slowed her pace a bit, "oh, hey, Jon." She smiled awkwardly.

"Hey guys," Nick ran up to them, "after the all cast on Sunday, can we stay after a bit to block your two-person scenes?"

"Sure." Lauren smiles with a quick nod, Jon also nodded.

"Great, see you guys Sunday." Nick headed off back to Jeff.

They walked in silence after a minute since Nick left them.

"What're you doing tonight?" Jon asked suddenly, Lauren looked quickly to him, a tad confused, "I was wondering if you wanted to go grab a bite? A late-lunch, early-dinner?" He let out a weak laugh, "I didn't eat all day so..." he started.

"Oh," Lauren was shocked and excited at the same time, but kept her cool on the outside, "ugh-nothing, I don't think, sure." She shrugged with a smile, "I-I'd love to."

"Awesome, it's a date-I mean-you know what I mean..." he said quickly with a small laugh.

"Yeah, definitely." Lauren laughed, wishing he would've meant it that way.

"I can pick you up? In, let's say..." he thought out loud, "an hour?"

"Sure," she nodded with a smile, "oh-uh-here." She quickly said reaching into her bag. She pulled out a sticky note and pen, then wrote down some numbers, "text me and I'll send you the address," she smiled, handing him the small paper.

"Smart thinking." Jon laughed, "I'll see you then, Lauren."

"You can call me 'Lo'," she lightly chuckled with a small shrug, "everyone does."

"Well then, you can call me Jon," he chuckled, "everyone does." He mocked jokingly and smiled at her, "I'll see you later, Lo."

"See ya, Jon." She snapped her fingers into guns awkwardly with a laugh, then stopped her stupid act, really? She thought, rolling her eyes at herself, the headed out to Joey.

"What took you so long?" He laughed as he watched her get into the passenger seat.

"I was talking to Jon." She shrugged.

"Love-birds at it again." He smiled.

"Our characters are, Joey, not us." She shook her head at him.

"For now." He mumbled.


"Oh, I said, 'I know'," he smirked.

Lauren sighed and turned to face the window as he started the car and headed home.

Catching some dinner with Jon tonight... Lauren thought, I'm going out to dinner tonight! She grew excited. As childlike as it was, she couldn't help but be excited, she could become better friends with her co-partner over a small dinner, what could it hurt, right?

a/n: hey guys! don't you love Friday? (Because I actually post the story? Haha) anyway, thanks for reading again, new question today —>
Q: Who's your favorite Starkid?
A: I know I should've started with this one, but I wanted some positive vibes Tuesday, I was really tired and needed some happiness—ANYWAY—my answer is Lauren Lopez or Joe Walker or Jon Matteson, I absolutely love them three with all my heart. Lauren Lopez is like everyone's #1 but I remember the first time I watched TTO, I was with my sister and she was like "who do you want to die?" And I was like "the grandpa" and she goes "no, we're watching the son because she's a good singer" and so I shrugged and watched her then fell in love with her.... you guys don't care... BUT ITS A FUN STORY!
Anyway, reply with who your fav starkid is! :)
Thanks for reading!!
-stranger_starkid <3

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