Chapter 7

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We arrived at the inn within a few minutes. "Whoa." Was my first impression. It's such a cute inn. We walked through the doors and were greeted by a lady. "Mia, this is my daughter Rory, Rory, this is my boss, Mia." Mom introduced us. "It's lovely to meet you." Said Mia. "You too." I responded. 

"Michel!" Mom called in a fake French accent to a man. "Go away." Michel said in a heavy French accent. "But Michel, don't you want to meet my daughter?" She asked. "Not really." He replied. "Oh, now Michel, you're going to hurt her feelings." "Good! Now get away and go back to where you came from!" Michel said, with his French accent, before walking away.

"So Rory, that's Michel, don't mind him, he's like that to everyone, but he's hella fun to annoy." Mom explained. "Let's give you the grand tour, finishing off at the kitchen where you'll meet Sookie." Mom planned. 

Mom showed me around outside first, then she showed me around the inn. In the end we made it to the kitchen. "Sookie! Come meet my daughter!" Mom called into the noisy kitchen. Suddenly there was a crash and a lady who I assume is Sookie walked towards us. "You must be Rory!" She said in an excited tone. "You must be Sookie!" I said back. 

"Do you like pot roast?" She asked. "Uh yeah, I love pot roast." I answered. "Good, I was thinking of making pot roast for dinner but I wasn't sure if you like pot roast." Sookie explained. "If you didn't like pot roast, she had a million things to go with it." Said a man  coming up behind Sookie. 

"I'm Jackson, Sookie's boyfriend, also the produce guy for the inn." He said. "I'm Rory, nice to meet you." "Ooh, if you want, there's fresh cookies over there." Sookie said, pointing to a tray of cookies on the counter. "Thanks." "I want a cookie." Whined mom. "Then use your legs and come grab one." I tell her. "Hmph." She said before going to grab a cookie.

"So Rory, your mother tells me you used to go to Chilton." Said Sookie. "Yes, I did." I confirmed. "What was that like?" She asked, interested. "Oh, you know, plaid skirts, rich kids-" Before I could continue, Michel walked into the kitchen, saw me and walked straight back out. 

Sookie, Jackson, mom and I burst out laughing. "Michel really hates us." Mom said to me. "I can tell, what have you been doing to him?" I asked, controlling my laughter. "I don't know, at first he was only talking in French to annoy me, but he finally cracked after I started mocking his accent." Mom exclaimed.

"Mom! That's mean!" I tell her, laughing again. "He deserved it!" She said childishly. "How?" I asked. "For being a grumpy French." Mom said. "I don't think he can control his French. 

"I gotta go back and prepare dinner." Said Sookie, walking back to the stove. "Jackson, mom and I walked out of the kitchen and sat on the couches. I heard the phone at the front desk ring, but no one answered it. It rang again, but still, no one answered it. It started to ring for the third time and still no one answered it. 

"Michel, the phone." Said mom. "Mmm-hmm. It rings." Said Michel. "Can you answer it?" Mom asked. "No, people are particularly stupid today. I can't talk to them anymore." He said, annoyed. "You know who's really nice to talk to? The people at the unemployment agency." Mom told him. "This is not fair! You can't just come here out of nowhere, no job experience and suddenly be incharge!" Whined Michel. "Answer the phone Michel." Mom said sternly. He sighed and picked up the phone when it rang again. "Independence Inn, Michel speaking. No, I'm sorry, we're completely booked." He hung up the phone. "It's fun to boss Michel around." Mom said with a smile.

The three of us talked for 20 more minutes until Sookie came out of the kitchen, claiming dinner was ready. Mia walked by. "Mia, join us won't you?" Asked mom. "Oh no, you guys enjoy your dinner." Said Mia. "No please Mia, I made more than enough food." Sookie pointed out. "Alright then." She said as she sat down with us. 

"Sookie, this food is amazing!" Gawked mom, as she took her first bite. "Mom's right Sookie, this is the best food I've ever tasted!" I said in astonishment. "Thank you!" Said Sookie. "Hey, I was the one who grew those potatoes!" Said Jackson. "Right, the potatoes are amazing Jackson, you did a wonderful job growing them." Mom commented. "Thank you." He replied with a smile.

"Cheers to wonderful food and wonderful company." Mia toasted. "Cheers!" We all said, clinking our glasses together. 

Once we were done eating, Mia called Michel over. "Michel, could you take our plates?" Asked Mia. "You mean do the waiters jobs? I'd be delighted." Michel said in his deep French accent.

"I'm sorry, I don't have a clue what you just said." Mia told him. "He said that you bother him and to do it yourself." Mom told her. "I don't know what I did for you to hate me." Mia said in a sad tone. "I said no such thing!" He rushed to say. "He told you to get out!" I lied."I'm sorry Michel, but I don't know where this anger is coming from." Mia said disappointedly.

Michel walked away in a huff. "I'll go get dessert and get a waiter to bring the rest of the dishes to the kitchen." Sookie said, standing up and walking into the kitchen. 

A few seconds later, two waiters came out to clear the table with Sookie trailing behind them with a pie. "This pie looks amazing Sookie." I complemented. "Thank you Rory.

"Hey Michel!" Mom called out to Michel who was in the other room. "What?" He said angrily, as he walked into the room. "Want some pie?" Mom asked. "Only if it's sugar free, all natural and low on calories." He said. "Well then I guess you're out of luck." Said mom. "I hate you!" Michel said, before stomping back out of the room. Once he's out of sight we all start to laugh. 

After dessert mom and I said our goodbyes and went home.

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