Chapter 3

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The three of us talk for the next hour. "Hey Rory, we should probably go so you can meet the principal, find your locker and I can give you a quick tour." Said Lane. "You're right. Bye mom!" I said, nervous for my first day. "Bye loin fruit!" Mom said, giving me a hug. "It was nice meeting you Lorelai." Said Lane. Lane and I walk across the street to the highschool, leaving mom standing in the middle of the gazebo alone. 

We walked through the halls of the school, I was surprised there were already kids in the hallways, although by the looks of it, they're there because of their early morning sports and clubs. We passed a tall guy holding a basketball who seemed to take notice of us, although it's probably because I'm new. We stopped at a door with a sign that read 'Principals office'. "You ready?" Lane asked. I took a deep breath. "Yeah." I breathed out as she knocked on the brown door. 

The door swung open. "Principal Merten, this," Lane pointed at me. "Is Rory Gilmore, she's new here." Before he could answer, I interrupted nervously. "Actually, my name's Lorelai, Rory's my nickname, not to sure which name my mom registered me as. She actually named me after herself and- sorry, I'm carrying on." I mentally slapped myself. "Yes well, come in." He said, welcoming us into his office. 

"Have a seat." He said, directing us to the two seats in front of his desk. "Ah, yes. Lorelai Gilmore." He Principal Merten said, pulling out a small file. "You went to Chilton." He pointed out. "Yes sir." I replied. "Very challenging school." He stated. "yes sir, it is." I said nervously. 

"Outstanding grades, although not many clubs and social activities." He noticed. "Well, I was on the debate team and in the Spanish club, although there were only three of us, then two of them quit… but I was gonna go out for the Franklin, which is the school newspaper, although we moved before I had a chance." I rambled, scared I didn't have enough social skills. "Don't worry, I was only curious. Most kids here aren't in any clubs or teams." He explained. 

"Oh." I let out a small chuckle. "Here's your locker number, a map of the school and your time table. Welcome to Stars Hollow High." He said. " Thank you." I said, before I walked out of the office with Lane. "Wow, impressive. So you're a private school chick." She stated. "I guess." I replied.

 "If you have the money to get to a private school, why did you move here?" Asked Lane. "Well, my mom and I aren't rich, my grandparents are. They were paying for Chilton and we were living in the pool house, nearly meters away from the main house. Mom and them don't exactly get along and they had a huge fight and next thing I know, I'm coming home to find all our stuff in boxes." I explained. "Wow." Said Lane. "Yeah." 

Lane showed me around the school and to where each of my classes will be. At the end of the tour, we ended at my locker, which I opened with no problem. Turns out, my locker is next to a guy named Jess' locker and two down from a guy named Dean's locker. I was secretly hoping that it was the same Jess who I met yesterday at the diner. 

It was three minutes until the warning bell rings so Lane went to her locker, while everyone else flooded the hallways. "Hey, I'm Dean." Said the boy who was staring earlier. "I'm Rory, although my real name's Lorelai, after my mom, who was named after my grandfather's mom and- gosh, I'm sorry, I'm rambling again." I said awkwardly. 

"Don't worry about it." He said, taking out a textbook from the locker next to mine. "What class do you have?" He asked. "Mrs. Ness, History." I replied. " Me too. I could walk you there if you want." He said. "Uh, I guess, sure. Thanks." He looks to be around 6'6, while I'm only around 5'6. 'That's not awkward at all.' I thought to myself. 

We made it there right before the final warning bell went off. "Lorelai Gilmore?" The teacher spoke. "Wha-" "Are you Lorelai Gilmore?" The teacher asked. "Yes, although I go by Rory." I said. 

"I'm Mrs. Ness. Take a seat and pay attention." She said rather rudely. I was sitting at a desk taking notes, when suddenly the door opened and in walked Jess. "Mr. Mariano, why are you late this time?" Mrs. Ness asked. "Well, you see, I was at the library and there was a fire. I had to choose whether to save the books or the people. I figured, it's not fair, books don't have legs so I saved the books." Jess explained. I let out a small smile, as most of the class was trying not to laugh. 

"Take a seat Mr. Mariano, and if you hope to pass on to 11th grade, I suggest you get to class on time." Said Mrs. Ness. "Huh" He said, slowly glancing around the classroom, when his eyes landed on me. Jess soon takeps a seat at the desk next to mine and the teacher continues the lesson.

"The Romanists have, with great adroitness, drawn three walls around themselves, with which they have hitherto protected themselves, so that no one could reform them, whereby Christendom has fallen terribly." Who said this?

"Martin Luther." I said, seeing no one else was gonna bother answering. "Very good, Miss Gilmore. And what year did Martin Luther address the Christian nobility?"

"1520." I responded. "Very good, Miss Gilmore." The teacher was interrupted by the bell. "Until next time, class." "Wow, someone's high on the notes." Jess said as he caught up to me as I was about to leave the class. "Well, if you wanna do well, you gotta take notes." I said, continuing to walk. "Huh, I should try that sometime." He said. "Might be a good idea."

"Where did you move from?" He asked, making small talk. "Harford. My mom and I used to live in my grandparents pool house." I said. "You and your grandparents close?" Asked Jess. "Kinda, my mom didn't get along with them at all though. But that's because they need things done a certain way. Everything is doilies, fancy dresses, the D.A.R." I explained. 

"What's the D.A.R?" Questioned Jess. "Honestly, not quite sure myself." I said with a little laugh. I arrived at my next class, assuming Jess is also in Mr. Remmy's English class. Turns out I also shared this class with Lane. 

I go over and take a seat in the empty seat next to Lane, while Jess takes a seat in the spot behind Lane. "Today, we will be doing a test. Lorelai Gilmore, since it's your first day, I will allow you to take your test next Monday. I suggest you borrow someone else's notes." Said Mr. Remmy. "Thank you sir. Also, I prefer to go by 'Rory'." I tell him, he nods. "Alright Rory, you may silently read for this class while everyone else does their test, please, no talking." 

I take out my book: 'Fountainhead by Ayn Rand', and start to read. I got pulled out of my book when I heard someone whispering my name. "Psss, Rory!" Jess whispered. Without talking, I turn my head in his direction. "What book are you reading?" He asked in a whisper. I showed him the book cover. 

"The Fountainhead, hmm." He hummed in acknowledgment. I saw him turn back to reading a book instead of doing the test. I turn back to my book, partly wondering why Jess isn't doing the test.

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