Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
After school, my pager went off. I got a page from mom, telling me to meet her at the diner after school. I grabbed my book bag and left the school.

When I walked into the diner, I took a seat at the nearest vacant table. I saw mom following around the diner owner. "When's your birthday?" I hear her ask. 'Why would she want to know his birthday?' I asked myself. I see her rip out a piece of the newspaper and write something on it before handing it the diner owner. "You will meet an annoying woman today, give her coffee and she'll go away." Luke, the diner owner read out loud.

I could see the man roll his eyes. "I'll get to you when I get to you, you're not the only customer." He said. "Just give me coffee and I'll go away." Mom said. Again, he rolled his eyes, although this time he went behind the counter and poured her coffee. "Hold on to that horoscope and one day it'llbring you good luck!" Mom said, before paying for her coffee.

Once she turned around, saw me already at a table and came to join me. "What was that all about?" I asked. "I don't know what you mean." Mom replied. "Oh? How about the note?" "All I did was ask for his birthday, then, after finding out he was a Scorpio, I wrote, "you will meet an annoying woman today, give her coffee and she'll go away." Under Scorpio, in the horoscope section of the newspaper. Then, presided to rip it out and hand it to him." Mom explained.

"Wow, so why did you want me to meet you here?" I asked. "To tell me about your first day at Stars Hollow High." "Well-" just then Jess walked through the diner. We met eyes for a second before he continued walking. "Hey Jess, how was school?" Asked his uncle. Jess ignored his uncle and continued to walk up the stairs that lead to the upstairs of the diner.

"Rory?" Mom said, waving a hand in front of my face. "Wha-yeah?" I asked, coming out of my thoughts. "Something cute walk by?" She joked, although she wouldn't know because her back is towards the direction of the door.

"Yeah-er uh... I mean, no." I said awkwardly. "Was it the guy from yesterday?" She teased. "No, it was nothing. Uh, what did you ask before again?" I asked, changing the subject. "How was your first day of school?" Mom asked again, although this time, giving me an odd look.

"Right. Uh, it was good, weird not having Paris breathing down my neck all day, or not having Tristan call me 'Marry'. I honestly kinda missed those things, even though Paris' one goal in life(minus getting into Harvard) is to make my life a living hell.

"Huh, who would of thought, you actually miss Paris." Stated mom. "Well, she has always been by far, my only really competition at Chilton, and now, there's none." I pointed out. "I'm guessing everyone at Stars Hollow high are morons." Said mom. "Mom! It's just, I already know everything we're learning, at Chilton we've learned most of those things in 9th and 10th grade." I explained.

"It's not my fault you're smart." She said. "Ooh I got a job!" Mom exclaimed. "Really! What job?" I asked. "I'm the manager at this small inn at the edge of town. It's a really cute and old inn." She said happily.

"Why would anyone hire you to be the manager of anywhere? Do they know that you have absolutely no business experience, plus you got pregnant at 16?" I questioned, concerned. "First off, rude, second, yes, she knows, but she said they were desperate." She reasoned. "Ah, so you were the last hope." I pointed out. "Exactly. Hey, you know, I could show you around there." Said mom. "Sure, but not today. I need to ask Lane if I can borrow her notes." I said.

"Alright, I'll meet you at home." Mom said, before we both walked out the door and turned in separate directions. I was towards the antique store across the street that Lane said she lived in. I walk inside and see a Korean woman helping a customer. She sends off the man she was helping as asked if she could help me with anything.

"I'm looking for Lane." I replied. She glared at me, but didn't respond so I continued. "I'm here to borrow notes from her. I'm new here. I'm Rory... mam." I add after she still doesn't look impressed. "She is upstairs doing homework, but if she said she would give you her notes, she may have a five minute break." Mrs. Kim replied strictly.

"Lane! Come down please!" She called up the stairs. "Coming momma!" Lane responded. I see Lane coming down the stairs and a look of relief floods my face. A crash is heard from an ile nearby. "YOU BREAK IT YOU BUY IT!" Yelled Mrs Kim before storming off to find the customer who broke one of her antiques.

"Your mom is terrifying!" I whispered, once she was out of ear shot. "I know, sorry for not warning you," She apologized. "Here's the notes." She said, handing over a small folder. "Thanks." I said. "No problem, I should go, my five minutes are almost up." She said. I turned to leave as she walked back up the stairs.

When I got back home, right at the door was a big, red wagon. 'The welcome wagon.' I thought to myself. I step around the wagon and into the house to find mom sitting on the couch, going through boxes.

"Uh mom, you are aware that there is a giant red wagon filled with homemade goods, cleaning products and a whole lot more things we don't need on the front porch?" I asked. "Yeah, that lady, Miss. Patty, I think it was, dropped it off a few minutes ago, it was too big to fit through the doorway though, so I left it there. "Every thought of taking the stuff out of the wagon?" I questioned. "Yeah, I got this guy named Kirk to come in and fix the phone today and when I checked the answer machine, there was a message from Paris  and thought that was enough." She explained. 

"What did it say?" I asked worriedly. "Not sure, I heard her voice and immediately paused it. Although, if you ever come across a guy named 'Kirk', turn and run" "Noted. Paris was probably wondering why I wasn't there at school for her to terrorize." I rolled my eyes.


The message ended…

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