Chapter 1

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My entire life, It's been my mom and I and my grandparents. My mom had me at the young age of 16. Ever since then, mom and I have been living in the pool house 10 feet away from the main house. With barely any space, and of course my grandparents have offered us money, but my mom being her, refuses to take anything from them, of course that's not counting the pool house and money for me to go to Chilton.

As I was just getting home from school, I walked into the pool house, I saw that most of our stuff were in boxes, and that mom is basically trapped in a fortress of boxes. "Omg mom, why are all of our stuff packed?" I asked. "Rory! Thank god you're here, your grandparents are evil, anyways, we're moving to this small, and cheap town about an half hour away called 'Stars Hollow'." My mom exclaimed, all in one breath. "First off, why are they now 'my grandparents', it's not my fault that your parents are insane. Second of all, do grandpa and grandma know about this, also, what about school?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"They are your grandparents because you actually like them, and no they don't know. There is a high school in Stars Hollow, now I know it might not be a fancy private school, but I want everything to do with Emily and Richard gone plus, you get rid of Paris. Besides, you don't need to go to some overpriced school just to get into Harvard. " My mom rants.

"Fine, but you really do need to tell them that we're moving out." I say, earning an unhappy grunt from mom. "If you really want them to know we're moving out, then you tell them." Mom whines. "There's no way that I'm gonna be there when they're told that we're moving out!" I exclaimed. "Fine, I'll tell them." Mom grumpily says. "Good." Now let's finish backing up." I say. After another hour of packing up' the moving truck is out at the front of the house', while the movers are loading up the boxes, while mom and I watch the guys lift the heavy boxes. "Ooo, Ooo, look at his muscles!" Exclaimed mom, earning a light slap on the arm by me. "Shush, they can hear you!" I whispered/yelled.

After another half an hour the boxes were all backed up, and we hopped into the jeep, and drove off to our new house, moving truck trailing behind us. We didn't bother to say goodbye to either grandma or grandpa because neither of us wanted to go through that conversation with them.

Pulling into Stars Hollow, you could already tell that It was a small town where everyone knew each other. Driving through the center of the town, we earned a lot of stares and you could see everyone whispering to one another as we arrived. We pulled up to a small building that looked to be a diner, although it had a sign that read; 'Williams Hardware'. We get out of the car, still getting stares, and whispers from the people around us.

We awkwardly walked into the dinner and walked up to the front counter where a guy who looked my age was standing. Not paying attention to who was here, he yells out to a man, "Uncle Luke, there's customers!" He says to the man, who I presumed was Luke, who was now taking someone's order. "I'm kinda busy here Jess!" Jess, so that's his name. "Oh, uh, it's alright, we can wait, we just wanted coffee!" Mom says to Luke, although knowing here, she didn't mean it, and really wants here coffee.

Finally, Jess looked up from what now I can see was a book. "So, just coffee?" He asked looking at me. "Uh, yes please." I say a bit distracted. That guy was surprisingly cute. He gets us our coffee, and we pay, that he goes back to his book. "Good book?" I ask. He looks up from his book, showing me the cover. "Howl, good choice" I say, failing at hiding my grin. "You've read it?" He asks. "Only about 13 times." I say, happily. Mom just stares at the both of us with amusement.

"Rory, we should go, we don't want the movers to steal anything." My mom interrupted. "Wha- oh, right, well bye Dodger!" I say hoping he understands my reference. "Dodger?" He asks confused, while mom stands there clueless. "Figure it out." I say, turning to leave, before I hear him shout; "Oliver Twist!" I turn back around, with a huge smile on my face, then nod.

Mom and I drive to our new house, sipping on our coffee, when she says; "You soo like him!" "I do not." I protest, although I still have a smile on my face from the conversation I just had with Jess. "Sure, sure, just lie to mommy." She said jokingly. "I-it's true!" I say unconventionally. "Whatever." She says.

We pulled up into the driveway of our new house, the movers have already brought most of our boxes into the house, so that they were blocking the living room. I slowly walk into the house, and finally find where my room will be. It's a room that's in through the kitchen, perfect to easily get up to sneak some poptarts in the middle of the night, without waking up mom. Once all of the boxes were brought into the house, and the moves had left, mom and I started to unpack all of our stuff.

After I finally unpacked all of my books, I headed out of my room to help mom. She was plugging in the house phone. Once the phone turned on, she saw that there were twelve missed calls. Jesh, we were only gone for two and a half hours. Mom presses play on the voicemail mails, and all I hear is grandma yelling; "LORELAI VICTORIA GILMORE AND LORELAI LEIGH GILMORE! HOW DARE YOU JUST TAKE ALL OF YOUR STUFF AND MOVE OUT WITHOUT TELLING RICHARD AND I! AFTER ALL WE'VE DONE FOR THE TWO OF YOU!"

After that, mom picked up the phone and threw it across the room before it could play another voicemail. "I thought you told them." I say, still shocked to mom. "W-well, I was going to, but, I-, well, you see, after the fight we had earlier today, I-, well, didn't want to talk to her." She said nervously. "MOM!" I scowled. "God, she was pissed, I've never actually heard her call you by your full name!" Exclaimed mom. "I know." I say, shocked and sad at the same time.

"Mom, they're going to hate me now." I say quietly, tears forming in my eyes. "They could never hate you Rory! Hate me, yes, but you, no." Mom said and pulled me into a comforting hug.

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