18. The Finale

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Orin must have noticed something wasn't right. ''Are you okay?'' he asked me. ''No!'' I told him what happened with Luce at the fiest. ''I can't kill him. He spared me. I just can't!'' He pulled me close. ''I  get it Elpina. I do. But you might not have a choice...'' He didn't continue. I was fully aware of it. There can just be one victor.

I had a feeling the Gamemakers will try to get me and Orin outside. I had nothing against it now, because I was healthy and Orin's wound was basically healed. I was right. Somehow, they put tracker jackers in our cave and we had to get out. ''So what now?'' I asked him. ''We wonder around until we bump into Luce, I guess,'' he replied. I didn't want to do that. I knew I couldn't kill Luce and that ment I'll have to watch Orin finish him off. And I didn't want that either. But I had no choice.

So we really just wandered around for maybe hours. Eventually, we bumped into Luce. He looked at me. I saw in his eyes he felt the same. He couldn't kill me either. I protected Aura, when he couldn't. He jumped onto Orin. I couldn't bare to watch them fight. I climbed the nearest tree and turned the other way. I stayed there for a while. Then I heard a cry. I was afraid to turn, but I did. Orin stabbed Luce. I knew he wasn't going to make it. I climbed down quickly. I looked at Orin. With my eyes, I told him I had to say goodbye and stay with Luce till the end. He just nodded and stepped away.

I kneeled down beside Luce. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. I took his hand. ''I'm so sorry Luce.'' I was crying before I realised it. ''It's okay. I can be with Aura now,'' he whispered in my ear. I started crying even harder. ''I'm sorry I couldn't save her. I'm so sorry. Thank you. You spared me.'' ''Don't. Thank you for being here. Tell my family I love them.'' Then the cannon sounded. ''NO!'' The scream of sadness and grief escaped my mouth. Orin came to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up. ''I'm so so sorry!'' I screamed over my tears. This was my apology to Aura and Luce's families. An apology for not saving their children. Then the voice brought me out of it.

''Congratulations tributes. You two are the last ones left. Let the finale begin!'' No, I can't. I couldn't kill Orin. No way! I knew he felt the same. ''Kill me Elpina. Go home and say my goodbye to my family.'' ''I can't. I love you!'' He knew it was true, I saw it in his eyes. ''They have to have their victor!'' I thought about it. Yes, they do, but what if I don't? What if they had no victor? ''No, they don't.'' 

I saw some poisoned berries right next to me. They were pi berries. They would make you vomit and poison your blood. I picked up a handfull and offered some to Orin. ''But aren't these poisonous?'' I nodded. ''Trust me. On three we eat.'' He nodded. He took the berries. ''One. Two. Three!'' we counted together. We both started to take our berries closer and closer to our mouths. Just before we ate the berries, we were stopped by the voice. ''Stop! Stop!'' We stopped immediately. ''Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the victors of the 43rd Hunger Games, Elpina Mendely and Orin Leon!'' I couldn't believe it! This never happened before. I was so happy. I ran to him and hugged him. ''I love you Elpina,'' he said. ''I love you too Orin.''

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