13. Death Of The Mockingjay

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I woke up to singing. Firstly, I thought it was a person, but soon I realised it was a bird. It was a mockingjay and it was the whistle Aura did in her interview. She was awake and I assumed she did the whistle first and the mockinjay picked it up. ''Did you do it?'' I asked her. She turned to me. ''Oh, I didn't know you were awake. Yes, I did it. Isn't it beautiful?'' It was. Now more birds started to pick up the melody and I got an idea. ''How about we use this whistle to tell eachother we're okay?'' Aura looked at me and I couldn't read her face. ''Yes, that's a great idea! I don't think anyone else really remembered it.'' She was probably right. It seemed like such a small thing, so nobody would expect a thing. 

We had to find food, since we ate all of the animals I caught. Aura suggested she'll go to find some plants by herself, but I said no to that immediately. She couldn't go out there without me and with four Careers still alive. So we agreed to go 200 steps away from where we were now and search for food seperately. She had to promise to update me regularly with the whistle and then I let her go. I counted my steps while I was looking for edible plants. I found some berries and managed to shot some squirrels and even an animal I didn't recognise. It looked somehow like a deer, but it had horns of a bull. I thought it might be a mutt, but mutts should be aggresive, right? Anyway, I heard the whiste, so I knew Aura was fine. I turned around and started to walk back to our tree. 

Suddenly, I heard a cannon. My heart dropped. No, it couldn't be! Aura couldn't be dead, she just told me she was fine! I started to run towards the tree. I ran as fast as I could. I came to the tree and started to look around for Aura. I wanted to call her, but that would just bring other tributes to me. I sensed someone behind me. I took an arrow, placed it on my bow and turned around. Aura lifted her arms. I was so relieved it was her! I dropped my bow and hugged her. ''I thought it was you! I thought they killed you!'' She let me go. ''I'm fine. Nobody saw me and I got some food for us.''

We ate some of the berries I found and some fruit Aura found. Finally, a plan started to form in my head. I knew exactly how to destroy everything the Careers have. I told Aura what I figured out. We would distract the Careers and start a fire in the cave, where their things are. Then we would run here again. Aura suggested we would light a fire on the other side of the forest. I agreed, but said I would light the fire that will destroy the supplies. She agreed, because she must have known by now I'd insist. 

We went over our plan one last time before we parted. ''Be careful, please.'' I asked Aura. ''I will! Bye.'' she replied. This girl had no fear, did she? I looked back at her and then left. It took me quite some time to find the cave. I knew where it was only because I saw the Careers near a hole. Now I had to wait for Aura to light a fire and lure the Career pack away. Suddenly, I heard a scream. ''There! Look! It's a fire! Someone must be there!'' I think that was Aniks's voice. All of them ran away. I waited for some more time to make sure everyone was gone. My heart was pounding as I went up to the cave. I took a match that was in my backpack I got from the Cornucopia. I lit it and threw it in the cave. The fire started catching as I spotted a full tule of arrows. I had only a few left and I needed them, so I reached for the tule. I felt my skin burn, but I had to get those arrows. I grabbed the tule and ran. I ran back to our tree.

About halfway there I heard an excruciating scream. ''Elpina!! Help!!!'' I got sick in my stomach. That was my Aura! I ran as fast as I could. I found her. Aniks held a hook against her neck. He was alone. The view shocked me and I froze for a moment. ''What is it? Did you come to help your little friend?'' He was mocking me, but I just stood there. She looked at me terrefied and begging for help, but if I shot Aniks, I would hit her too. I had to wait for him to move just a bit. I knew he wanted to kill her. And to my horror, he slit her throat! I didn't even think, I just grabbed an arrow and shot him into his heart. His cannon sounded immediately. I ran to Aura. She was still alive and I had hope. Maybe she could survive somehow. I took her hand and tried to stop the bleeding. Aura said something, but I barely understood her. ''Don't. No use.'' No use? ''But I love you and I promised to protect you.'' Tears started to form in my eyes. I was starting to realise I couldn't help her. She will die. ''Sing.'' That was all she asked of me. I sang Deep In The Meadow through my tears. She died just as the last note sounded. I was chocking on my tears and grief. I had to do something for her, I couldn't just leave her. I saw some pink begonias near. I took them and put them over Aura. Then I did her whistle. The mockingjays picked it up. I looked right up. ''She wasn't just a part of your Games! She was a person and you killed her!'' I screamed and colapsed on my knees. 

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