10. First Kill

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Even though I knew I was safe for now, I was pretty sure the Careers will come back for me. I was also strangely worried about Orin. I don't know why really. And I want to help Aura. She's so sensitive and vulnerable. My biggest problem was I couldn't sleep safely, since I had no allies and nothing to tie myself to the tree so I wouldn't fall. So that was my mission for today. Well that and not dying of course.

Soon, I realised I'll need food too. I never hunted before, but I still tried. I had no wish to go to the fields. Yes, I'd be more at home there, but there's nowhere to hide. So I decided to stay in the forest. I caught 2 squirrels. Now I just had to find somewhere to cook them and some water. It was quite a warm day so I might find some hot stones. Luckily there was some kind of a water bottle in my backpack. 

I went ahead to try to find water. Strangely, I didn't run into any tributes. I didn't even know how many of us were still alive yet. Apparently the Gamemakers didn't count the bodies yet. I hoped Orin and Aura were fine and alive. I found a river in about an hour maybe. I filled up my bottle and managed to find a very hot stone. 

I just lifted from the floor as an ax flew over my head. Woah! I looked behind me. It was the guy from District 7, of course. He looked huge to me, but that could be because I was pretty short. Before I could take an arrow, he threw me on the ground. ''Well, well, well. There's The Girl of Hope, who will lose all her hope right now,'' he said with a scary voice. He wanted to kill me so badly. He might not be a Career, but he acted like one for sure. I looked away from his deadly expression. I didn't want to die seeing that. Then I saw one arrow fell out of the quiver. ''Now I kill you,'' he told me and looked up. ''Panem! Silvis killed The Girl of Hope! Remember that!'' Okay, the guy was crazy. While he was looking up, I grabbed the arrow and stabbed him with it. He colapsed and I heard cannons. It wasn't just for him, it was also for all the tributes that died during the bloodbath. I counted. All together it was 10. So there were 14 of us left.

A little bit later it hit me. I killed a human! In self defense but still. I was in shock, but I quickly snapped out of it. I had to get to safety. Too close to the river wouldn't be very safe, since other tributes will come here for sure. I'd have a bigger chance of being spotted. I decided to go away from the river, but still not too far. 

I climbed a tree again. As I reached the branch I wanted, another cannon sounded. So 13 then. I cooked onesquirrel and started eating it. It was starting to get dark, so they'll show the fallen soon. And they did. It was boy from 1, girl from 3, both from 5 and 6, the guy from 7 I killed, both from 8 and 10. I was so glad Orin and Aura were alive. Then I saw some kind of a capsule with a parachute. A sponsor gift! Inside I found a strap to tie myself to the tree and a note. It said ''Great job today Elpina! Everything'll be fine. Stay safe. Seeder'' Seeder sure had a great chosing and timing sense! I looked up and mouthed ''Thank you Seeder and my sponsors.'' I tied myself up and tried to sleep. 

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