15. New Ally

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I went to the river on the ground. Yes, I felt safer on the trees, but I thought maybe Orin was on the ground and I would see him. I didn't. I came to the river and climbed on a tree. I waited and for once hoped to see the Careers. It felt like hours when they finally came. ''So how many do we still have to kill?'' Fict asked, his voice cold as ice. ''Four, not counting us.'' Bella replied. ''Where is that boy from 11 anyway? We haven't seen him for a long time,'' he asked. ''I've got no idea. We last saw him at the riverbend, right?'' Bella said. Thala nodded. Okay at least I know where he was. Maybe he's there now or there will be more clues on his location. I wanted to leave already, but a bush moved behind me. I turned around. There stood the girl from District 7, but she didn't see me. She was heading for the river. Suddenly, a knife pierced her body. There was no time to be shocked now. I ran away just before Bella came to see if her victim is dead. I heard another cannon. The girl died.

I walked for quite some time before I saw the riverbend. There weren't really many hiding spots. I saw two caves and a hole in the ground. I looked in the first cave. No luck there. I went into the second cave. I looked around. I would leave if I didn't hear a cough. I turned around. Orin came out of the shadows. I was so happy to see him. I ran up to him and hugged him. ''I missed you too Elpina,'' he whispered in my ear. I let him go. ''Are you hurt anywhere?'' I asked him. He was and it was not pretty. He had an enormous cut over his stomach. He needed some kind of a medicine and fast! ''It's not that bad. You hurt at all?'' I showed him my burned hand. It was healing nicely, but it wasn't healed yet. ''It's almost healed! But how?'' he was surprised. ''Seeder saw me get burned and she sent me an ointment for it.'' I explained. ''Oh, she never sent me anything. I didn't show myself a lot though.'' I kind of felt bad for him. ''I think medicine for that cut would be really expensive,'' I said. ''Maybe she just doesn't have the money yet.'' I was hoping to calm him down a bit. ''So what now?'' he asked me. I had no idea. ''Well, this could be our 'room'. I can hunt and we both know plants. We could wait for Seeder to send us something or for the fiest.'' He nodded. 

I still had some berries left. We split those and I decided to go hunting. Orin wanted to come with, but he was obviously weakened by his wound. ''Just stay here. I'll be back soon. Maybe try to camouflage our cave even more.'' I told him. He wasn't happy about it, but he agreed. I went out. I didn't really know which animals hang out here. I assumed there have to be fish in the river. I focused on them. I managed to catch two smaller ones and a big one. Pretty good catch I'd say! When I returned to the cave, it was already getting dark. Orin was sleeping. I gently shook him to wake him up. ''Did you get anything?'' he asked me, halfway sleeping. We ate the two smaller fish raw. If we lit a fire, it would lead the Careers right to us and we were in no condition to fight them. No other deaths today.

The temperature in the arena was really started to drop. I was shivering because of the cold, even though I had a sleeping bag. I couldn't sleep. Suddenly I felt an arm around me. Orin hugged me. ''I see you're cold. I can move, if you want.'' His voice was so soft and kind. I didn't want him to move, so I moved even closer to him. He held me even closer and tighter. His embrace was so warm. I relaxed and fell asleep before I knew it. 

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