12. Ally

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I woke up and everything was foggy. I was confused. What happened? I was no longer feeling the burning from the mutt bite. I sat up and saw some kind of maybe a cave? ''Hi! How are you?'' I head a girly voice. I looked around and there was Aura. ''What happened?'' I asked her. ''You were either asleep or unconcious for a few days. I gave you a healing drink my mom taught me how to make.'' she told me so humbly. Oh my god, this girl is amazing! ''Thank you,'' was all I could say to her. ''So any deaths?'' ''Boy from District 3 and girl from 12'' Aura replied. ''And is the boy from my district? He's alive?'' I asked. ''Yes, he's alive. But I know nothing else. I'm sorry.'' I touched her hand. ''Don't be sorry. You've already helped me as it is. Do you want to be my ally maybe?'' ''Me? Really?'' she was really surprised. ''Of course you! So what do you say?'' ''Yes!'' she seemed so happy.

I still had a fish I caught. We couldn't light a fire since that would be a signal to the other tributes. I had a small knife in my backpack so I just cut it and we split it. It was good to me despite the fact that it was raw. ''So do the Careers hunt or look for food?'' I asked. ''No, they get everything from sponsors. They just have it all in a cave or something like that. They're not going to run out soon.'' That got me thinking. If they have everything they could ever need, they are way too strong to fight in combat. And that's why the gifts have to be either taken away or destroyed. We need a plan. ''Aura, how about if they remained with nothing left?'' I asked her. ''But they won't run out for days...Oh!'' I saw she understood. ''You're saying we take away their gifts?'' she asked. ''That or destroy them, yes. I still don't have a plan though.'' She nodded. 

It was starting to get dark. We had to find a safe place to sleep. Aura had a sleeping bag, so we decided we would sleep on a tree in it and I would tie us up. ''So do you like that boy?'' I was confused and surprised. ''Which boy?'' I asked her. ''The one from your district. Do you like him?'' ''I mean we're just friends,'' I replied, but something felt wrong when I said just friends. Did I like him in another way? It looked like Aura didn't believe my answer either. ''Then why do you care so much?'' she asked me. I couldn't answer. I wasn't sure myself. ''I don't know.'' She stopped asking, because a cannon sounded. I panicked. What if that's Orin? What will I do? Why do I care so much? I had to wait for the evening to find out whos cannon that was. Please, let it not be Orin, please!

I dreaded the evening. A part of me didn't want to know who died. However, the other part of me wanted to see Orin's alive so much. The moment finally came. I was looking up in the sky in fear. I spotted the Capitol sign. And them I saw the face of the fallen tribute. It was the girl from District 4! I sighed in relief. I knew it was bad to feel happy about someone's death, but I was so glad to know Orin's still alive. Aura hugged me tightly as I felt tears of joy dripping down my cheeks. ''It's okay Elpy! He's alive and we're alive! Maybe we can find him!'' I felt a glimmer of hope when I heard those words. Maybe she's right! If we can find him, we could all be allies and I could be with him. Aura's head started to drop slowly as she was falling asleep. I let her sleep on me just like I did with Pino at home.

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