9. The Games Begin

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I woke up so peaceful since I didn't do so during the night, I almost forgot the Games are going to start in a few hours. When that caught up to me, I got scared and sad at the same time. I couldn't bare the thought of Pino and my parent watching me get murdered on tv. But I had no choice. I started crying, thinking how my death will break my family. Fae came in. She hugged me and tried to comfort me. Her face was saying ''Tell me what's wrong, honey.'' So I told her the whole story. I wiped off my tears and got ready to go to my team and Dimio. 

My prep team didn't really do a lot. I would mess it up in the arena anyway. They just braided my hair and cut my nails a bit. Then they sent me to Dimio. He gave me my clothes. They were very simple just a shirt, pants and a jacket. And shoes of course. ''Elpina, you can do this,'' he said honestly. ''My money is on you.'' Oh, he's so wrong. I'm not going to last two days. 

He led me to my tube. I stepped in and we waited. I couldn't talk to him, I was scared and nervous. I decided to run for the woods, but wait, is there even going to be one? Anyhow I'll just try to hide somewhere. My thought were interupted by the tube closing. Dimio smiled and showed me thumbs up. I sighed. There's another person I'll disappoint. 

I started lifting upwards and soon I was able to see the Cornucopia. The arena looked like a mix of fields and forests. Then I heard the countdown. I looked around and searched for Orin. I saw him pretty much opposite of me. I also spotted Aura. My heart hurt when I saw her scared little face. I was just starting to get ready to run to the forest, but then I saw a bow and arrows in the Cornucopia. I changed my mind immediately. I had to get that bow! Then I heard the cannon. I just ran. 

Other tributes were faster than me. The boy from District 4 almost killed me right away. He threw his spear and I dodged it barely. It hit another girl though. She dropped right away, but there was no cannon because so many tributes die so soon that they count first and then there are like 8 cannons at once. Quickly, I grabbed the bow and arrows and a small bag and ran for the forest. It took me some time to realise one girl was following me and it wasn't Aura. I could bet she was a Career. So I climbed the nearest tree as fast as I could. I was pretty good at climbing since I had to pick the fruit back home. I saw her face now. She was desperate to kill me and anyone else she'll see. She tried to climb to get me, but she fell off very soon. See I was light even underfed and she wasn't. She also tried to cut off the branch I was on with a sword. Suddenly I heard someone yelling ''Gladia! Where are you? Come here!'' She looked at me ''I will spill your blood I swear on District 2!'' Then she left. Ok, I at least learned something new. She was a Career from District 2 and her name was Gladia. And now I know Careers can't climb trees at all. Guess I found my safe hiding spot.

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