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She was who I thought she was.

It was the girl that sat next to you.

Lily, I ended up taking her to a hotel with me.

I told my mom I would stay there with a friend, she let me, since I'm practically a 'grown up' now

"Wait, who are you again? Where's my baby?" She slurred as I laid her on the bed, or at least attempted to.

"Who's your baby?" I asked as I sat on a couch close by the bed.

It's a room with one bed and a couch next to the bed, which is also in front of a window.

A nice view for tonight, we're on the fifth floor, so it's pretty high up.

"My baby! You know the one you sit next to in our class." I frowned, so you were with her still?

"Oh, what does your baby do with you?" I asked as I remembered there were a few times you would disappear.

"My baby takes me out at night sometimes to drive around the city. Then we go to a bar, and get wasted." So that's why you weren't feeling well.

"Oh must be nice." I said nonchalantly as I looked out the window.

"Kisses." She said softly.


"My baby's kisses are the best. When I'm touched, it's with care and love."

You seem to really be a good lier.

Sorry I believed you.

I sighed and a tear slipped out.

I knew what had to be done, then a ringing was heard.

I thought it was my phone but it was her's.

She was whining about not wanting to answer and told me to do it.

"Hello?" I said softly, and heard a faint laugh.

"Hey, it's me. Sorry I couldn't go with you today, someone came over and didn't let me go. Is it ok if I came over tonight?"

Never in my life did I feel so wounded.

For the first time I was crying like it mattered.

"Are you ok? Baby you need me to bring something?" You said so gently, just like you did with me.

I hung up and let the phone fall, as well as myself.

"H-hey. What's wrong?" She said as she, I presume, wobbled to me.

I don't know where she got tissues from but she cleaned my face.

You would think I'd have snapped at her, but no.

She doesn't seem to know about this.

"I'm sorry." I said, I don't even know why I said that. I just kept crying and she hugged me.

"What's wrong?"

"Hah, it's sad. But I found out that someone I thought I loved cheated on me."

She ranted about how awful the person must be and how horrible it is that such things could happen to me.

I wanted to laugh.

It's hallirious the person who I should be angry at is the one who's helping me.

"Thanks." I hugged her back and left that night.

I didn't want her to find out about this.

I know what I have to do, I wish it didn't have to be this way though.

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