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It's Monday, and I'm sitting next to you again.

I would ask you how everything went for you, but would it matter what I did?

You're talking with her again, like always.

"What's wrong?" Asked my friend beside me, her name is Mai.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." It's what I always respond with.

She pets my hair and continues her assignment.

"I'm tired too!" Said another friend, his name is Josh.

"Go sleep then." I said to him and he laughed, probably because I made a weird face.

I wouldn't know, and for the matter I don't really care right now.

I'm not angry or sad, actually I don't really feel anything.

"You alright?" You asked me.

"Yeah." That's all I had to say, why would you care if I wasn't okay?

"One day I'll start a fire underwater." You say and everyone around the tables listened.

They all started asking you how you would do it.

You said, "I don't know, but I'll figure that out, somehow."

Why did you say that?

It made me smile because it was dumb, then I remembered our time together last weekend.

Yeah, I still hate you.

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