Chapter 1

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Sokcho, 04 Feb'20
"Jeong Won-na, i've already received the file, i will go through this first and call you later for the consult".
"Gomawo, let me know if you can make it"

This is the 3rd times that i receive conjoined twins case in the last 10 years. But i never perform as a lead surgeon, now Jeong Won and the Chief want me to lead this case.
It's been a month since my last visit to Seoul, if i choose to lead this case i have to stand by there at least 2 weeks before surgery to prepare everything. My last surgery of conjoined twins is 4 years ago with Prof Han, but who will be my partner for this case now since he's already move to Jeju to retired.

It's been a month also since Songhwa met Ikjun. She doesn't know what's in his mind, he never bring it up again either of what he told her last year. He's still casually call and told her on what's happening in Seoul, in hospital, but he never follow up what he asked her last year.
The ball is on her now, and she's actually hate to think this over and over again.

Seoul, 04 Feb'20
It's been a month since Ikjun met Songhwa from last month band practice. He knows if they still practice every weekend it will burden her to come to Seoul every week, so he suggests to have band practice just once a month so she can takes it easy, but he misses her. That's why he burns himself in work and Uju. Try not to thinking what's Songhwa's answer will be or respond to his indirect confession. But he's surely know that his question need some time to be answered. At the end this is the question of how their two decade friendship will about to change.

"Oh Jeong Won, i heard you receive request from Jeju branch about conjoined twins."
"Ah yes, they will coming this Friday."
"Who will lead this surgery ? Prof Min ? Or Songhwa ?"
"Prof Min refused as he havent got conjoined twins case in his last 10 years. I've already ask Songhwa to take this and already discussed with Director, but she's still studying it."
"Hmmm, i think it's 4 or 5 years ago right since her last surgery ? I remember it's just about a year or second year after Uju born."
"Yes, that surgery she's with Prof Han as a lead surgeon, but he's retired now as last year he got stroke."
"Well, i'm sure she wants to take this, but yeah, she's surely needs a good partner"
"Director has already give me a candidate, but i'm not sure"
"Who is it?"
"I'll tell you later when it's confirm. And i'm sure you know her."
"Her ?"
And suddenly Jeong Won's phone is ring and ask him to got to PICU right away. As he left Ikjun hanging there to wonder who is "she" that Jeong Won mentioned before.

Seoul, 6 Feb'20
"Jeong Won-a, i could take this case. I have studied this and i think i could do this."
"Gomawo SongHwa-ya. Will you come to Seoul today ? Did Director called you? He said he wants to discuss and will call you directly"
"Mmm, yes he called already. I'm in Seoul already. I'll come to hospital soon"
"Arasso, safe drive and see you then"
"Arasso, see you later"

As the phone is off, Songhwa sit at the restaurant just like she's waiting for someone. Just a minutes, Ikjun is show up there casually.
"Did you wait ?"
"No, just arrived too"
"Did you order already ?" As Ikjun stand up ready to walk to the counter to order breakfast"
"Yes, and i've already ordered for you too", Ikjun sit again in front of Songhwa after she said that.
"Do the twins coming today ?"
"Mmm" as she nodded to answer his question but feeling uneasy
"What's wrong?"
"This is my first time to lead the conjoined twins separation surgery. I'm feeling uneasy, yet i've already read and study the case I'm confident to handle this. But you know, it still... uneasy"
"Who will be your partner this time ?"
"Director said he will introduce us today. But i have no idea"
"Jeong Wong mention earlier the candidate that i might be know her"
"Her? My partner is a woman?"
"That's what Jeong Won said, but he didnt spill it out much. Who do you think he refers to ?"
As Songhwa sigh for this as a relief but also wondering who will be her partner.
As the food comes to them, they start having their breakfast and talk usually just like life update to each other.

Songhwa didn't bring her car today from Sokcho and choose train to visit Seoul from Sokcho, so after breakfast she's going to hospital with Ikjun.
"Btw, since i'm here today, should we have band practice today?"
"Sure, but i don't know if Seokhyung can do it, he seems gone this day"
"What do you mean?"
"I saw him a few days ago like he has something in his mind but won't spill it out. And when i, Junwan and Jeongwon come to visit, he's not at home nor hospital. And you know he never answered our call."
"Hmmm, is somethings wrong with his mother? Or maybe the company ?"
"Don't know. But looking like this he has not sharing, i start thinking this is too complicated to share. Well, we should let him be and i'm sure he will tell once he's ready"

While they arrive at the basement parking, they meet the residents that just coming from their breakfast together. They're Ahn Chihong, Jeon Seonbin, Do Jaehak and Yong Seokmin.
As they gathered and surprised to see Songhwa come out from car together with Ikjun.
"Oh Prof Chae, what a surprise" as Do Jaehak greet her, she seems surprise to see them and happy as she  never see this much resident along together in Sokcho.
"Oh Hi everyone" Songhwa greet them while walking to the lift area, and Ikjun following "did you all just have breakfast ?"
"Yes Prof Lee, Yong-sunbae asked us to meet him and have breakfast together also he said he wants to come to hospital today" Seonbin.
As Songhwa confused, "Seokmin what are you doing here? don't you have to study for your exam next month?"
"Oh anneyonghaseyo Proffesor Chae, i actually come here to see you today" as they're all walking together but suddenly stop as Seokmin knows Songhwa will come today.
"Hah? You know i will come today ?"
"Yes, i got call from Director last night. He mention that you may need me for your next case" Seokmin talked as he proud by himself. And Songhwa just smile, as she's still uneasy for not knowing another neurosurgeon who will be her partner for this case, but feel relief at least her resident who have work with her for conjoined twins before will work with her again "you're right".

As they all walk together towards lift, Chihong cannot stop wondering if something happen between Songhwa and Ikjun as they come to the hospital together. He remember after the NS dinner that day Ikjun has not been talking casually to him, he's still friendly and ask how's the thing in NS departement since Songhwa left but he never ask him about Iksun or talk other stuff than patient

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