22 | All Hell Breaks Loose Pt.2

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Part 2

The leaves crunch under the man's feet as he passes all the gravestones, walking towards the big mausoleum that had metal doors that were rather plain except for the pentagram in the middle. It was rusted and the metal was slightly brown but you could see the hole in the middle of the huge door from your hiding space.

You were hiding in the nook between two large gravestones with your gun brought up high and your breath steady.

It had to be Jake that was entering. The guy who killed Sam. You wouldn't risk turning around and checking if it was him.

It was night time- which was highly inconvenient since it just made the graveyard eery and creepier.

Before leaving for the drive, Sam had pulled you aside and you had already known that he would tell you to stay behind.

"You can't stop me from coming," you had said, tucking your gun in your jeans. You buttoned up your flannel- you had realized that it only got in your way when unbuttoned and made it harder for you in fights.

"That's not what- well, that too," Sam shrugged and you had narrowed your eyes at him.

"I don't get why you don't trust me. I know how to defend myself. Nothing's going to happen to me."

"It's not about trusting, Y/n," Sam had sighed. "If yellow-eyes is going to be there... I can't take that chance."

"Well, I can," you said and walked off, only realizing later how stupid you must have sounded. But you didn't understand why Sam was overly protective of you. Even Bobby didn't mind you going- as long as you wouldn't do anything stupid.

You snap back to where you were.

Graveyard. Jake the asshole.

You walk out of your hideout and you see Sam, Dean, Bobby, and Ellen coming out too, forming a semi-circle behind Jake. They all had their guns raised and you lift it too, hesitantly turning to look at Dean and Ellen who stood beside you.

"Hiya, Jake," Sam says and the man turns around, eyebrows instantly shooting up as he sees you five.

It made you feel a bit badass for a second- stuff like this only happened in movies.

His mouth hangs open as he rakes his eyes along each of you, finally settling on Sam.

"Wait... You were dead. I killed you," Jake says, his voice strained with disbelief.

Your heart sinks a bit but you don't dare look at Sam. You keep your eyes trained ahead.

"Yeah?" Sam asks and tilts his head. "Well, next time, finish the job."

"I did," Jake scowls. "I cut clean through your spinal cord," he shakes his head. "You can't be alive," he continues, still shaking his head. "You can't-"

"Dude, if you're gonna make lies about him dying, at least make some decent ones," you say, chuckling awkwardly. You tried controlling yourself but you continue speaking. "Your acting- it sucks."

You turn to Bobby with a small smirk but when you see his scowl directed at you, you immediately turn back to Jake.

You hear Bobby mutter a 'shut your mouth' but you ignore it.

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