10 | Hunted

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A/n: Honest to Chuck,
Gordan is a massive psychotic dick.

I wanted to share one of my sketches even though it sucks T-T

I thought I would add timelines too.
This is towards the end of November 2006.

By the way, check out this amazing edit I found on Tumblr.


Sioux Falls

"Your parents made the freakin' deal," the demon- Arthren breathes out, on his knees, his vessel's skin pale and clammy. His hair was decorated with occasional white strands of hair between black and the skin on his cheeks hung down; the man looked in his early fifties. "Let me go."

You should let him go; he was right, your parents had made the deal. Not him - it rather.

But if you were going to direct your anger and frustration anywhere, it would be at that son of a bitch.

You finish chanting the final words of the exorcism and watch as the black smoke swirls out of the man's mouth and his body slumps down.

Your heartbeat slows down but the feeling of emptiness remained. Exorcising the demon was more underwhelming than you would've thought; maybe a sense of relief followed with liberation.

But you still felt horrible, blood running cold in your veins and your throat was aching now. They were still dead and nothing was going to change it.

You take a shuddering breath and turn around, passing through Bobby who looked thoughtfully at you.

After the crossroads case three weeks back, you moved back with Bobby, leaving the brothers again, much to their dismay.

Your walk upstairs just in time to hear your cell phone ringing. You pick it up, not seeing the caller ID, and walk to the bathroom to look at yourself in the mirror.


"Oh, you picked up," Dean's voice says in surprise. You weren't in a mood to ask what he meant.

"What's wrong?"

"Sam," Dean pauses. "He left again."

Again? You then remember the case with the scarecrow.

"Where'd he go?"

Dean sighs on the other end. "Y/n, you know I wouldn't call you for help unless it was important but he went after- after I told him what Dad said before-" Dean stops, sighing again, worry lacing his voice. "He- just meet me in Lafayette, please."

You nod your head, surprised at the desperation in his voice. "Indiana.
Yeah, of course. I'm on my way."

"Thanks," Dean sighs and hangs up.

You run your hand over your face, trying to wipe away the exhaustion. The void still filled you but Dean needed your help.

You lean against the sink and look at yourself again. Hair in a braid with baby hairs sticking out, eyes...

Eyes empty.


You shut the door of the red '88 Pontiac Fiero Bobby had fixed up for you. He had kept it as a surprise, giving it to you when you said that you were supposed to meet Dean. It was an amazing car and it was a smooth drive.

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