Chapter 8

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Renzo's POV

There's a soft knock at my door. "C'mon in!" I yell, making an attempt to clean a space on my bed, which is covered in books. The door opens and Deku comes in, laughing.

"Someone has an idea for a new spell," he teases, grabbing a beanbag chair.

I abandon my efforts to clean my bed, a sheepish smile on my face. "Yeah. I actually thought of this one a while ago. A truth spell."

"Sounds useful, especially for interrogation purposes."

I laugh. Of course Deku would think of the practical, hero use for the spell first. "Or we could use it while playing Truth or Dare, to make sure we're all honest," I say with a mischievous smile.

"O... Oh yeah... I guess you could use it for that too." Deku stutters, rubbing the back of his neck. "So I'm guessing this will be one of the spells that you can't explain?"

"Yeah, not by science anyways. I found a few different versions of the spell, but this one sounds the easiest," I say, picking up my Dungeons and Dragons Player's Handbook. I open it to the bookmarked page, and pass it to Deku. "It's right here." I point to the spell.

(A/N: Yes, I'm this lazy. I screenshotted the spell off the website)

"It's only a level two spell, so it shouldn't be too hard. Why did you want me to...." Deku trails off as he realizes what I intended. "You want me to be the guinea pig."

"I want you to be the guinea pig."

"Why me? Why not ask Utsu to help, or I don't know, Shouji or someone?" he asks.

"One, I don't know how Utsu's quirk would work when I cast the spell. Two, you simply cannot lie, Deku, your face goes bright red when you try. It will be easy to see if I actually manage to compel you to tell the truth."

"Okay, I'll help you."

"Sweet! So, just try to lie every time I ask you something," I say, getting off the bed. For some reason spell casting was easier while standing. "Zone of Truth!" I cry, making a sweeping gesture with my hand, encompassing an area for the spell. It  looks so dorky, which is another reason why I asked Deku to help me.

"So, did you idolize Bakugou when you were little?"


I frown, trying to imagine a little voice -my voice- whispering to Deku, urging him to tell the truth.

"Do you sing in the shower?"

"Ye... Nooo!"

"You almost told the truth that time!"

"Yeah, I know," Deku says, flushing furiously. Poor munchkin. I feel so bad.

"Just between the two of us, I sing in the shower too."

Deku laughs, looking a little less uncomfortable now that I'm sharing secrets too. I get ready to ask another question, imagining the whispers being louder.

"What's the name of your quirk?"

"One for All," Deku replies, looking panicked.

I'm confused, because I hadn't heard the name before. "What's One for All?" I ask quietly, frowning.

"One for All is a quirk that has been passed down through the generations. A person with One for All can choose who they pass it on to. All Might was the last person to have One for All and he gave it to me..." Deku slaps both hands over his mouth before he can say anything else.

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