Chapter 7

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Tami's POV

A/N: Don't play the song til I say!

"We were jsut set up on a date, weren't we?" Kirishima asks.

"Yeah, we were. I bet Mina did it too," I agree. It was clear that Renzo, Utsu. Deku and Uraraka were in on it. They already had their targets picked out and everything.

"Well, uh, do you wanna get some food?" he asks, rubbing the back of his neck.


We start walking, and my hand brushes his. Kiri grabs my hand and our fingers automatically lace together. There's plenty of vendors at the festival and we buy dinner from a stir-fry place, sitting at a picnic table.

"I can't believe we were set up for our first date by our friends," Kiri says, laughing.

"Yeah, it's pretty funny."

"Bitxh, you are being so fucking awkward right now!" Dark chimes in. "Do you want me to help?"

"You ars doing the opposite of helping me. Shut up, now."

I cast around for something to talk about. "So, what rides do you wanna go on?"

Kiri gets a sly look on his face. "That depends. How fond are you of rides?"

His tone of voice tells me he loves rides. "The bigger, the better," I reply, smiling.

"Why don't we start small then? Bumper cars, the teacups, then the Orbiter...."

"Avalanche, Zero Gravity and the Salt and Pepper shakers?"

"Sounds like a plan."

We finish eating, the go buy a bunch of tickets. We get in line for the bumper cars, which is practically deserted. When the ride starts, Kirishima starts chasing me around. I pull a 180° turn, hitting his car first. After that, we start tag-teaming other people, ramming our cars against theirs from either side.

On the teacups, we're both spinning the wheel in the center, making our cup go faster and faster, until our bodies are pressed up against the sides. It takes the conducter and extra minute to stop our cup when the ride ends. When we get off we stumble out of the way then stand clutching each other so we don't fall, giggling until the dizziness subsides.

We get in line for the Orbiter next. This ride has one main arm, with five smaller arms coming off it. Each 'little' arm has three seats sticking off the end in a 'Y' formation. Two people fit in the seats. The little arms all rotate, spinning the seats, then the main arm raises, spinning everything around on a 45° angle.

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Plus Ultra SoulmatesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora