Remembering the past, Part 1

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Sorry for the long wait but here is a super long-ish chapter, this came to me in a dream!!!!! FYI part 2 will be a long one too!!!!! Hope you like it!!!!  =) ☆ ♡

****** Angeles, 5 Year Old*******

My training progressed shortly after Orochimaru-sama witnessed some early potential beginning to bloom.

According to Orochimaru-sama, my gifts aren't as limited as he expected but after some researching there also seemed to be a very strong jutsu that only I can perform that allows me to transfer a part of myself into another person.

He seems to be very intrigued with my skills at the moment.  He even brought a strange man to the small house where we are currently staying in. Even though I was still so young I understand many things Orochimaru-sama has taught me to this point. I have also learned to analyze every conversation and read between the lines for information gathering purposes.

This man apparently was a comrade of Orochimaru-sama's, from the Village Hidden in the Leaves, who ended up betraying him to the Hokage and revealed some secrets of his.

I am supposed to perform a jutsu that Orochimaru-sama was teaching me in order to test the boundaries of my mind jutsu. But I've never actually performed it on another human before only on a small creature, a rabbit with some success.

The man is tied tightly to a chair with his back to me, I try to stay very quiet as Orochimaru-sama speaks to the man. I tried my very best to blend in to my surroundings to avoid drawing any of Orochimaru-sama's attention to myself.

The conversation is over, I didn't really listen to the conversation as I was to busy trying to remain undetected. Orochimaru-sama then starts to talk in a louder tone and tells the man that there is someone he would like him to meet.

At that he stands very straight and holds a hand out in my direction to beckon me to go to his side and stand in front of the man tied to the chair. I nod my head in understanding and Orochimaru-sama's face forms a very sadistic and creepy smile. As I begin to walk towards the two, I feel my legs become heavy as if I'm wearing lead training weights on my legs. I remain frozen in place and feel a cold shiver run down my spine and throughout my small body.

I'm scared. I'm really scared, I've never tried anything like this before. I begin to shake as my nerves get the better of me. One look from Orochimaru-sama and I know that his patience is running out.


***Two Years Later, Angeles-7 Years Old

I train next to the trees near the cave where we are currently staying in. It has been three days since we arrived here and since I last saw Orochimaru-sama.

He said he had some business in the nearby village and would be back with someone for me train with. I just hope it's not another person who betrayed or angered Orochimaru-sama.

---------¤¤¤Flashback Start¤¤¤-----------

The first time I used my jutsu was very traumatic for me. Orochimaru-sama was pleased at the partial mind jutsu as all the information I found in the man's mind was given in a very detailed manner to him.  But then Orochimaru-sama said that he had no use for someone without any new secrets or information.

As he was speaking his face began changing and as he finished speaking his face had completely changed into a very deranged and psychotic expression. I didn't know that this would be the official beginning of experimentation on myself by Orochimaru-sama.

Orochimaru-sama ordered me to keep my jutsu active on the man, while he gathered a few supplies. I complied thinking that the man was going to be allowed to leave soon. How wrong I was. How very wrong.

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