New Friend and Possible Recruit

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I looked towards Juu-kun to help focus my vision. As soon as I felt my eyes vision was starting to sharpen. I looked to my right side to see Juu-kun for the first time since the fight broke out. I remember seeing him being dragged between the two older boys but never got the chance to examine the younger boy. I could clearly remember his orange or was it a reddish blonde hair matted and dark in certain areas due to either some dry blood or sweat. I tried to think hard if at any point during the fight I managed to catch a glimpse of the boy's face. A frown made its way onto my face as I realized that the boy's presence was acknowledged but was ultimately ignored as he didn't seem to pose a threat due to his apparent wounds.

As my mind comes back to the present I see Juu-kun slouch his shoulders in defeat and a sad agonized look on his face. I tilt my head to the side in confusion. "What's wrong Juu-kun?" He slowly shakes his head and chuckles in a soft voice.

"I knew it was too good to be true! I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up about you!" He shouted at me. I look at him with a shocked yet scared look. "What did I do?" I asked Juu-kun in a small voice. "As soon as you got your sight back you were able to see the kind of monster I really am!!!!! Isn't that right?!" Juu-kun roughly pulled at his hair in agitation. "What are you-" I try to ask but Juu-kun cuts me off.

"I thought you were different, I thought you were my first true friend!" Juu-kun yelled at me. "But Juu-kun-" I try to speak again but he silences me with just one look, it scared me to see this side of him.
Uncaring or unaware of the fear and confusion that he was causing me to feel in his presence. He suddenly begins to laugh maniacally towards the sky and after a few seconds he seems to freeze mid laugh, he slowly turns to look at me with a sad expression as tears build up in his eyes. "But you know what hurts? What hurts the most is the fact that I trusted you and The Beast was wrong about you too!" He yells at me.

As he said this I could see the physical changes his anger was manifesting. For example: his shoulders looked broader and Juu-kun's overall muscle mass had probably doubled. But the most noticeable changes were in his eyes which were now narrow in rage, there was also a black ink-like markings spreading throughout his body and his canine teeth had a sharp quality to them. 'The Beast? Who is The Beast? Is this scary version of Juu-kun The Beast?' I warily ask myself as I try to read both the current situation and Juu-kun's mental state.

Before he can continue to yell and rant at me again. I run to his kneeling form and tackle him to the ground while wrapping both of my arms around his body. Juu-kun gets onto his feet in moments and I feel him trying to pull me off him by grabbing the back of my shirt. He manages to pull me off and throws me a few feet away from him. I get up and run towards Juu-kun again but this time I jump up and managed to wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist but I held on for my dear friend Juu-kun. His bloodlust side was taking over and his anger was misplaced. "Juu-kun! Please listen to me!" I screamed into the space between his neck and shoulder as I continued to hold on to him.

He thought I hated him but I don't, I could never hate Juu-kun. I hated myself or better yet, I hated my training for making me the kind of person I was when the fight was going on. "I don't care about your past and I don't hate you!!!! What I hate is myself!!!!!"

I hated the fact that I disregarded him and his health in order for the survival of my Kim-niisan and myself. While he willingly disregarded his own injuries to protect me in my time of need without even knowing me.

Meeting Juu-kun has helped me open my eyes to see some of the kindness and selflessness this world has to offer, even though I'm not sure if I truly deserve it. Another lesson that I am proud to say Juu-kun taught me the true meaning of friendship. Keep in mind that Juu-kun was my second friend, while Kim-niisan was my first friend that I have ever had. What I mean to say is that Kim-niisan is a close friend but he was sought out by Orochimaru-sama, while Juu-kun was a friend I was able to locate on my own.

"Please believe me!!!!! You're my friend and I could never, ever hate you!!!!!! I yelled into his neck. "You are very special to me, Juu-kun!!!!! You hold a very special place in my heart along with my are very precious to me!!!!!!" I yelled while starting to bawl and continued holding on as if my life depended on this. Which in both my heart and mind it did.

As the words I yelled out start to sink in Juu-kun's body tenses up. He falls to his knees and then it seems to sag into my hold. Within seconds I feel like the only thing keeping Juu-kun up is my smaller frame. But actually he is trying to control his emotions while seeking comfort from me at the same time.

"So you don't hate me?" Juu-kun quietly asks me. My reply was a shake of my head and a small "never." He releases a sigh of relief and wraps his arms around me. A few sobs and shivers escape my smaller frame and Juu-kun hugs me even closer to him. I slowly release my tight grip from around Juu-kun's neck which causes a whimper to escape Juu-kun. That sound makes me wrap my arms around his neck again but this time I hug him to my chest. The sound of my heartbeat seems to help relax Juu-kun.

Sorry about the wait but the chapter is finally out!!!! Hope you enjoy it!!!

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