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The experiments were becoming more cruel and gruesome as the months and years passed by.

I wasn't spared from becoming included in those nightmarish tortures.

Orochimaru-sama was not amused when he was informed by Kabuto about my charity towards the "patients".  How I stole limited medical supplies and extra food rations for the patients without permission.

For those petty crimes I am being punished by serving as Kabuto's main assistant for testing out new medications.  So this also includes any poisoned or spliced medicine that Kabuto himself mixes to test adverse reactions or side effects.

My main role is to possess a "patient" and allow my temporary body to ingest the medications while all symptoms and reactions are documented. If the "patient" survives the treatment a new set of medications are given and the process continues.

Or at least, until I am allowed to return to my body after the connection becomes severed to rest for a few hours. Then the process repeats with a new "patient".


Time Skip--2 Months Later

I have finally convinced Orochimaru-sama to stop some of the twisted "necessary surgeries and procedures" done on me by Kabuto. I don't know how much all this will affect me in the future but I have slowly recovered from most of the poisons and drugs.

Except for one the slowed down my healing factor. Which Orochimaru-sama got very angry and has been furious at Kabuto. Because of this, Kabuto has been trying very hard to fix it but it seems this can’t be reversed.

Though he has taken it upon himself to teach me as much medical ninjutsu when there is a chance. Kabuto seems very pleased with me as his student so far.


Time Skip--1 Week Later

A week has passed since I have been reassigned from Kabuto's personal guinea pig in the afternoons to a sparring partner to a new recruit/student for Orochimaru-sama.

It has been a long recovery after returning to my own body after my complete body and soul transfer jutsu was used in a very challenging sparring session with Orochimaru-sama's new student.

The experimental body I was using for my jutsu held up very nicely and put up a good fight according to both Orochimaru-sama and Kabuto. I'm not that convinced though since it was a landslide loss to me since the very beginning. I'm pretty sure that I really didn't stand a chance against him.

Orochimaru-sama's new student is Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke. Apparently he originally served as a genin in the Village Hidden in the Leaves and is only a year or so older than me.  He doesn't speak much with anyone here at the base only with Orochimaru-sama and Kabuto.

He only seemed surprised when I didn't appear to be head over heels in love with him when we were first introduced and about my current appearance.

You see after all the testing, surgeries and procedures performed on me it has been a normal routine for me to be almost completely covered in layers of clothes or rolls of bandages. So I kinda sorta/at times look like Dosu from one of Orochimaru-sama's 3-man squads. (A/N: see the picture on the side/top.)

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