Remember the Past, Part 2

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A/N: This chapter was a little difficult to write because of the change in POVs but I had fun. We get to meet a alter ego in this chapter, for now he will be called the beast. If you have any ideas for a better name, leave a comment. Hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!!!! =) ☆ ♡
Recap from the Last chapter:
This seemed to bring the girl out of her scared state because she jumped out of my secure hold and she threw both arms around my neck and nuzzled her head on the crook of my neck, seeking and wanting to calm and comfort both of us at the same time.

This caught me by surprise but I recovered quickly enough to securely hold her smaller frame to my body as she continued to hold me to calm my bloodthirsty side. Oddly enough it was working but I still kept a watchful eye on the man as he came closer to us.

Story start-☆-☆-Boy's POV

The man was standing right in front of us, he raised both hands in the air as a sign of surrender. He started to lower his voice to gently coax the girl to look in his direction.

"Are you able to see?" The man asked the girl. She shook her head in denial while still nuzzling the crook of my neck. She also tried mumbling something that sounded like a no.

The man looked worried but in an instant he replaced the expression with a cold and hardened one. "Come here child, let me examine your eyes." The man ordered the girl in a soft yet firm voice. The girl tightened her hold but just as quickly released it, to slowly turn towards the man and nod her head once. The man's face transformed into a sadistic smirk which showed he was pleased that she was being compliant to his orders.

The girl turned back to face me, bit her lip in worry while she gently placed her hands on my chest and in a soft voice asked to be placed on the ground. I tightened my hold and slowly loosened it until I gently placed her on her feet right in front of me. Where if needed I could reach her again and protect her.

She slowly turned back around to face the man who had to get on one knee to be at eye level with the girl. Looking at her closely from this position, she was a little shorter than me and very petite. She also had long blackish-blue hair that reached her mid back in pigtails and pale but healthy skin under all those bruises from the fight.

"Good. Now open your eyes, so I can examine them. Ignore the pain and do as I say child." The man impatiently ordered. I growled in warning at his tone but the girl only nodded once and did as she was told. The scent of her pain and tears were so strong that it seemed to overwhelmed my senses and had me seeing red. I could feel my body tensing up in preparation to attack the man. But before any physical pain was inflicted on the man in front of us. She felt my intent and she reached behind her to take my hand for support and to avoid any kind of conflict with the man. It seemed that just holding her hand seemed to quell most of my rage.

Angeles' s POV
There, I felt his chakra. This presence is undeniably Orochimaru-sama's, he is here. I feel a cold shiver run down my spine as fear started to take over my senses. "I thought I told you both to train in the forest 1 kilometer from the Village gates. Seems like both of you will have to be punished for disobeying a direct order." Orochimaru-sama stated. I tensed under his watchful eyes and pulled the boy closer to my chest as I felt the fear completely wash over my body.

The boy seemed to feel my distress because I could feel an almost instant dislike forming from the boy towards Orochimaru-sama. He had absolutely no problem showing it, it felt like the boy allowed his bloodlust side take over, he slowly got up, held me close to his chest and started growling at Orochimaru-sama. I could picture some brief emotions showing on Orochimaru-sama's face like maybe surprise and a very small touch of fear. There was a small change in how tense the boy's body was, he seemed to relax a small fraction.

The Ghost GirlOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant