Chapter 17

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Regina sat next to her children on the couch as Emma sat opposite her on the other couch.

She was stroking Eva's hair as Lola and Henry were leaning against her.

"We get to watch people on earth for an hour. But as time isn't regular here, sometimes that hour is like two minutes on earth and sometimes it's five hours," Regina explained.

"So, you've been spying on us and everyone?" Lola curiously inquired and bit her lower lip.

Regina shrugged, but shook her head. "Well, no.. not really. Just.. at times that I missed you all and wanted to see how you're doing. After all, I didn't know I'd see you all so early here."

She swallowed, but a smile appeared on her lips. "How are you all taking this? I mean.. it's a lot to comprehend," she softly inquired and looked at her children who shrugged in sync.

"You know.." Lola started softly and looked her brunette mother in the eyes. "Right now, it's all very surreal. I'm not even sure whether this is a dream or not. Either way, I'm happy I get to be here with you again. I just.. I think it's going to take some time being away from my friends and Paige. I haven't contemplated everything just yet."

Regina nodded understanding. "It'll take some time, but what helps is knowing that you can help them every once in a while." She glared briefly at Emma and flashed her a sincere smile.

"What do you mean?" Henry questioned confused. His mind was still a bit hazy as well from the sudden change of environment.

"There are these phones around town that open every once in a while for you. That way you're able to speak to a living person."

"You didn't talk to us..?" Eva inquired softly with a hint of disappointment.

"I've only once had the chance and I did. To your mother."

Emma tapped nervously with her feet on the floor. If she'd just listened to Regina, they wouldn't have died.

But she couldn't be all angry with herself.

Perhaps it was selfish, but she deep down she was glad to be here with Regina.

"What do you do to spend your days?" Henry questioned.

Regina shrugged. "It's different per day. Sometimes I visit my parents, sometimes I work, sometimes I do nothing."

"Can people die here?" Eva asked. She felt very mortal herself.

Her brunette mother nodded, but cocked her head as she thought of the best answer.

"Well, kind of. It's not really dying here. We just call it "moving on". Every once in a while you get called by the leader and he asks whether you're ready to move on or not and what you have to do to be able to do so."

Everybody sat in silence as they processed the information when suddenly the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Regina whispered and along with her, Emma stood up.

When Emma closed the living room door, Regina turned around to meet with the blonde's eyes. She blushed lightly and kissed Emma.

"Don't we have to open the door?" Emma murmured as her lips were pressed against Regina's.

"Whoever that is can wait for a moment," Regina said and winked before they broke apart. She rested her forehead against Emma's and intertwined her fingers in Emma's.

The doorbell rang again and Emma chuckled before Regina opened the door.

"Regina, I had these different fabrics for your new desi- Emma?" The man looked bewildered at the blonde who stepped slightly away from Regina.

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