Chapter 3

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"You honestly think I have something to do with the disappearance of one of my employees?" Mr. Gold said with his voice full of disbelief.

Emma quickly shook her head and exchanged a look with Cora.

"No, we're just wondering if you have heard of her or if you've seen her today. Or if you know whether she was having a fight or anything with one of her colleagues."

"Mrs. Swan, Regina works here now for almost seven years and not once has she ever even had a discussion with anyone. She gets along with everyone very well," Mr. Gold said.

Emma sighed. She knew she hadn't gotten the slightest bit further.

"She talks about you and her family a lot, you know. Every lunch break she's got another story about you. Except for yesterday, when she told everyone how she fled from her ex husband," Mr. Gold said and chuckled softly as he remembered the story.

But Emma and Cora immediately shared a look. "Okay, we have to go Mr. Gold. Thank you so much for this talk. We're a lot wiser."

They left his office in a hurry, leaving him somewhat dumbfounded.

"Robin," Emma grumbled.

"Gosh, I never liked that man," Cora hissed and they got in the car.

"You made them a couple."

Cora groaned. "I don't want to be reminded of my past mistakes. If I knew back then that you existed, I wouldn't have even considered them a couple."

Emma started driving after she'd fastened her seatbelt and chuckled. "You knew I existed back then."

Cora rolled her eyes and chuckled. "That's not fair, I thought you despised my daughter."

"I did a lot at first. That's true. Somehow, she won me over," Emma said with a shrug. "Are you okay with staying with the kids as I go to Boston? I don't want to leave them alone."

"Yes, of course," Cora replied and offered her a sincere smile. "Do you have his address?"


"I'll text you it."

Emma stopped the car in front of their house and got out. "I'm going to say goodbye to the kids. I don't know how long it will take, but Boston is three hours away, so I think I'll sleep there in a hotel or something."

The blonde woman hurried to the front door, followed by the older woman and got inside.

"Kids!" She yelled and the three immediately appeared. Emma saw the hope fading away from their eyes when they didn't see Regina.

"I'm going to Boston," Emma said and hugged her three kids at once.

"What, why?" Henry asked confused and the three children pulled away from their embrace.

"We've called everyone we know in this town, went by her boss, but no one's seen her. The only one that's left in my mind is Robin, her ex husband. Your grandmother will take care of you for today and perhaps tomorrow."

The kids knew that there was no way they'd convince their mother to let them come along and they knew how worried she was, so they let her go after one last hug.

"I love you, kids. You know that, right?" Emma kissed her kids one more time on their foreheads. "See you tomorrow. I'll keep you updated."

The three nodded and waved their mother goodbye as she got in the car. Emma fastened her seatbelt and sighed before she started driving.

She was certain Regina was with Robin. Regina and she had barely talked about her ex husband, but Emma knew they hadn't parted the best way.

Well, their divorce had been okay on both sides, just after that..

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