Chapter 15

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Days like these made Emma miss Regina even more. Even two years later Emma thought of Regina every single day.

She looked at her eighteen year old son now and adjusted his black tie.

"I'm glad you could come," Emma said and stretched her legs to kiss her son's cheek.

"It's been exactly two years since ma passed away, of course I'm here," he softly replied and offered his mother a sincere smile.

"Let's get your sisters," Emma said and walked from the living room to the stairs. She went to stand in the hallway and cleared her throat.

"Eva, Lola! Come on, let's go!" She yelled and the two teenagers immediately appeared.

They were all dressed in black, to show their grief, as they walked to the car.

Every Wednesday, Emma visited Regina's grave and afterwards Cora and Henry Mills' grave. Sometimes the kids came along, but not always.

Now, they did all come along to the graveyard. Because exactly two years ago, Regina passed away in the hospital.

Emma sighed softly as the whole family got in the car, along with some flowers. She was wearing the same black dress as she had worn at the funeral.

They drove in silence to the graveyard. Emma looked through her rear mirror at her children who sat in silence on the backseat.

The blonde stopped the car and again in silence, they got out of the car.

The sun was shining, but grey clouds covered the sky, showing that it wouldn't take long before it would start to rain.

Emma watched as her kids gently laid down the flowers on the grave and stared at the engraved name in the stone.

"I miss you, ma," Henry said and tears escaped Eva's eye.

Every memory of their mother came flooding back, mostly the painful ones. The one in the end, where she passed away in pain.

Emma had trouble containing her own tears. Lately, she'd been able to visit the grave without crying, but as she saw her children so emotional, she felt her tears on the verge to escape.

She heard her children talk to the grave, hoping that somehow she would hear it.

"Mom, we're going to grandma and grandpa's grave. We'll leave you alone for a minute," Henry said and Emma nodded curtly.

She kneeled down by the grave and wiped away some sand and dust.

"The kids miss you a lot, you know?" Emma whispered and smiled softly. "I tell you this every week, but they do."

She inhaled deeply as she readjusted the flowers. "I do too."

Emma kept quiet for a minute to just look at the grave and wiped away a tear.

"Before you.. passed away, you told me to move on. I haven't. I can't. It's been two years and I still can't get you out of my head or my heart," Emma said and sobbed softly. "I love you, Regina. Dead or alive, I love you so much and the only thing I can do is believe that you're in a better place. Without pain."

Emma cried when she suddenly heard a branch creak and immediately turned around.

She gasped when she saw the figure in front of her.

"Killian.. what are you doing here?" She asked, trying to sound calm, but her voice broke.

Why wasn't he in jail?

"I know it's been two years, so I figured you'd be here. I wanted to show my support," Killian said and held up a flower with his hand before he laid it down next to the others.

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