Chapter 10

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Before Emma could open the front door with her own key, the door flew open and she looked directly at her children.

"Ma!" They yelled in sync as they hurried to Regina to embrace her tightly.

Regina wrapped her arms around the three of them and planted a kiss on their foreheads.

"I'm so glad you're back," Eva said as they released her and Regina smiled at the girl.

"Me too," she replied, when she noticed her mother in the doorway. "Mother," she softly said and walked towards her before she wrapped her arms around the woman.

Perhaps it was because she was safe home, or because of the sudden change of environment, but as she was in her mother's arms, Regina softly started crying.

The three children looked bewildered at their ma. Not once in seven years had they seen her cry. They looked worried at her mother who mouthed, "just let her for a second".

"Oh, dear, I was so worried about you," Cora said and cupped her daughter's cheeks after she'd pulled away from their embrace. "And I am so proud of you. You are so strong."

Regina smiled and wiped some tears away before she turned around and swallowed.

"Ma.. are you alright?" Lola softly questioned as she and Henry exchanged a look.

Before Regina could answer, Emma cleared her throat. "Kids, Regina's been through a lot. Maybe right now she's not alright, but we'll do everything to make sure that she'll be alright, right?"

They nodded in sync and Regina smiled at the three kids that she loved most in the world.


That night, Emma and Regina went to bed early. Regina because she was quite tired from everything - her headache was fading away, but it wasn't gone just yet - and Emma because she didn't want to be away from Regina for one second.

Emma dressed into her pajamas and joined Regina in bed, who was already half asleep.

For a moment, Emma just gazed at her wife. She studied every feature. The scar above her upper lip - Regina had told her that was because she'd been attacked by a dog. The full plump lips that were amazing to kiss and smooth skin that was so nice to touch.

"I can feel you staring," Regina muttered and chuckled softly when she opened her eyes. She cupped Emma's cheek and kissed her softly.

"Can you blame me?" Emma teased and Regina cuddled closer to Emma, before she kissed the blonde.

Regina parted her lips slowly and her tongue carefully touched Emma's. The blonde gave Regina the lead, not wanting to push her.

Regina's tongue slowly explored Emma's mouth, as though she was scared Emma would break if she moved too fast.

She hummed satisfied as she slid her hand over Emma's back and she slowly found their usual rhythm again.

Emma moaned as Regina's saliva connected with her tongue and their fingers intertwined.

"I'm so happy to have you back in my arms," Emma said after she'd pulled away from the brunette's lips.

"Me too," Regina replied. "It's strange how two days can have such an effect on your life. It makes me even more grateful to have you and Henry, Eva and Lola."

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