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          WEEKS PASSED BY SINCE Boogie's first arrival at NYU and to a surprise she's found a liking to the school, though she has yet to explore her surroundings. With the fall semester not beginning for another five weeks, Boogie decided to keep herself busy by enrolling into an online course for the summer. She didn't get out much and that's how she liked it, though she has met a few friendly faces— her dorm neighbor, Cassie. Cassie was very different. Full of life and overjoyed were all the things Boogie weren't nor could she find herself to be. Not only did she meet Cassie, she seemingly ran into the man from the elevator quite more than she expected.

Although she proceeded slowly with her new lifestyle, the thought of reconnecting with those back home consumed her. Her father texted her everyday and every night with words of encouragement and wisdom, and it's been keeping her afloat— her motivation. She also received voicemails from Ms. Fuentes from time to time and hearing her voice soothed Boogie on the inside. Ms. Fuentes was the only person who understood Boogie during harsh times when her father or Nicole didn't, so she greatly appreciated her. Dr. Grant occasionally found her way of checking up on Boogie and it is believed that she's the reason for Boogie's father's minimal stress.

Boogie sat comfortably in her room cross-legged on her full-size bedding, surrounded by multiple textbooks and her laptop before her. She was finishing up her last assignment for the week when a familiar knock sounded on her door. A simple chuckle released from her lips while Cassie made her usual grand entrance.

"Queen Cassie has now arrived!" she spoke in greeting, closing the door behind her. This was an everyday thing, but Boogie was well-on used to it. "I'm in here!" Boogie hollered out.

Today, the two women scheduled plans for lunch and to tour the city, since Boogie was the new kid on the block as Cassie constantly reminded her day in and day out. She entered into Boogie's room with a plate of the morning's breakfast in her hand as she flopped into her swivel desk chair. Looking up from her laptop, Boogie gave Cassie the are you kidding me? stare, seeing her plate nearly piling over with food. Although, Cassie was thin in size, there was never a time where she wasn't stuffing her mouth with some form of food— even though she hardly gained any weight from it.

"I hope you know you will be washing that plate before you leave out of here." Boogie says, closing her laptop shut. "Don't I always wash the dishes I use?" Cassie asked with a shoulder shrug.

"Um, no, Cassie. You do not." she chuckled, standing to her aching feet. She gathered her textbooks placing them on her desk. "Damn, girl! Are those all for one class?"

"Yes, ma'am. I mean I am studying to be a doctor at the end of the day... unless you've forgotten."

"Well, excuse me the hell out of me, Doc!" said Cassie, emphasizing. Cassie and Boogie let out a laugh, until she began to feel a sense of queasiness within her lower abdomen area.

Dammit, not again! Boogie mentally cried to herself.

Without second thoughts,  Boogie rushed herself to the restroom, followed by a hard slam of the door. The retching sounds were heard vividly and nonstop, though this wasn't the first time Cassie has heard it from her dorm— the walls were extremely thin. Time passed along before Boogie exited from the restroom, feeling at a loss of energy. Cassie continued to nibble on her food while Boogie returned to her seat on her bed.

"Hey, I may have to take a rain check on today." said Boogie with her head leaned up against the wall and eyes lightly closed. "Oh, no, it's okay, girl. I figured that might've been the case. We can always do it next weekend, if you're feeling better." Cassie explained. She continued, "Would it be appropriate to congratulate you?" she asked.

"No, not really." Boogie sighs, trying to catch her breath. "No? Girl, are you kidding? This should be the most happiest time of your life. You're having a baby!" said Cassie cheerfully, setting her plate of food down on Boogie's desk.

"Well, I'm not happy. Raising a child by myself isn't something I should be happy about, let alone anyone else." said Boogie. "Okay, well, where's the dad?"

"Laying up half dead somewhere in the hospital." said Boogie, shrugging her shoulders.

Boogie's comment about Ermias took Cassie by a huge surprise, resulting in her to scrunch her eyebrows. "So that's the reason for you to walk around mad at the world?"

"What, you don't think I'm entitled to be upset? I have every damn right to be and how I choose to be it, so I don't need you or anyone to tell me how or when to feel upset."

"Girl, that's the last thing I'm here to say. I'm not judging you one bit. All I'm saying is you should be happy during this time. There are plenty of women who are dying to be in your shoes right now." Cassie exclaimed.

"Dying to be in my shoes? Oh, no, no, no. I think not. I wouldn't wish my worse enemy to step foot in my shoes." she said, shaking her head in disagreement.

Cassie sighed, "Come on now, Lauren." She continued, "Don't you think you're being over the top right now?"

"No, but you do. Look, I don't have to explain myself to anybody. When you've experienced what I've experienced, then you can speak. Until then, please don't mention anything in regards to my personal life."

"You're not the only person who's had their fair share of issues. Girl, you were basically born with a silver spoon in your mouth! Look at this damn dorm you're living in... BY YOURSELF! What, you didn't think I knew that?"

Cassie continued, "You come from a wealthy family. Shit, you probably had a maid as well. Many of us barely grew up with a pot to piss in and no window to throw it out of, so for you to sit here and and portray like you've had such a hard life is absurd! You're complaining of possibly raising a child on your own when you know I can't even have children myself."

"Well, you won't have to worried the inadequacy anymore because after today there won't be a baby."

Cassie sighs. "You know what your problem is?" she asked.

Boogie said nothing in response.

"You're mad at someone who may be living today and gone tomorrow. That's your problem. You think getting an abortion is going to solve whatever it is you're going through, but it's not. It's going to curse you f—"

"Well, I'm sure as hell will be cursed for the rest of my life." said Boogie as she interrupted Cassie's previous statement.

"Listen, at the end of the day, you have my full support in anything you feel is best for you. All I'm saying is don't make this decision out of malice, because you're upset. Do it for you."

"He h—hurt me so bad, Cassie."

Boogie continued, "I wish he would just die." she cried.


don't forget to follow my newly writer's portal on instagram @novelsbybrunzei for announcements, updates, etc!.

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