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THE SATURDAY NIGHT WAS pleasantly quiet, though the police sirens and the helicopter swirling was nonstop. Ermias rested his head along Boogie's lap as they accompanied the rooftop of his home. The two friends were well off into their evening together, enjoying the rhythmic oldies coming from his mother's living room.

The music immediately taken her back to the times of when she was a child watching her parents slow dance in the middle of the living room floor— her dimples formed as she smiled at the fond memories of her childhood.

"What's got you all cheeky, nigga?" Ermias abruptly asked, whisking Boogie from her thoughts.

"Well, if you must know, I was just thinking about how I used watch my parents slow dance in the middle of our living room to music like this as a child."

"Oh, for real?" Ermias questioned, exhaling smoke. "Yes, they didn't do it often though." she shrugged carelessly, hanging her head over her left shoulder. The orange street lights from the sidewalk illuminated the rooftop just enough for Boogie to see his braided hair.

"But when they did do it, I'm sure it was somethin' meaningful, right?" Ermias asked as he treated himself to a second blunt until there wasn't anything left.

Boogie sighed, "I'd like to think so."

After what felt like hours of resting, Ermias finally gathered himself to his feet in the midst of dusting his oversized white t-shirt from weed stems. He then rejoined at Boogie's side with their feet dangling scarcely off of the edge of the roof. She fiddled with her fingers in unrecognizable nervousness as Ermias slightly embraced her in a side hug around her neck. "Really, E? You know how my folks will start tr—"

"At this point, really, my nigga?" he questioned while smacking his lips. Ermias continued, "I'm sure they would've found out by now, g."

"Yes, you may be right, but I still don't want them getting any ideas." Boogie continued, "I like where we are right now and I don't want my parents ruining it by trying to separate us." she said with emphasis.

"Oh, that's what you think?" he asked in a nonchalant manner. "You think they gon' separate us?"

"I believe they'll try to if they found out I was sneaking back and forth into the city."

"Mhm. You ain't gotta worry 'bout that." Ermias reassures Boogie with a gentle hug around her neck. He perused her with his eyes as Boogie hesitantly returned the embrace.

"You're staring at me again." Boogie abruptly inserted. "What, a nigga can't look at you?"

Before Boogie was able to say something in response to Ermias' question, Angelique minimally cleared her throat for their attention, standing below at a distance near the front yard. Boogie and Ermias looked down to see Angelique smiling at the sight of the two.

"Well, hello, my favorite graduates." she said pushing her curly hair behind her ears. "Hi, Ms. Angelique." Boogie smiled in a response greeting.

Ermias' greeting soon followed, "What's up wit' it, mama?"

Angelique displayed a happiness and joy that Boogie has never witnessed before. Ermias' mother has always been known for her profound spiritualism and graciousness, but tonight was special— it shown in Angelique's eyes.

Besides being able to recognize Ermias as the first high school graduate of his immediate family, which was something to be delighted of, his father, Dawit, finally returned home from Africa after months of being absent.

"I didn't mean to disturb you lovebirds, but I just thought I'd let guys know that dinner is ready, so you may come down and eat whenever you like." she relayed over the slightly-blaring oldies.

𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐖 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐓; nipsey hussleWhere stories live. Discover now