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          THE RISING WARM SUN glimmered brightly through the small opening between the separated curtains of Ermias's bedroom window. Sunday mornings in the 60s were the absolute quietest considering most the neighbors were preparing to attend services at church. Ermias slept peacefully during the early hour, wrapped in an hand-crafted Eritrean quilt with his arm dangling below his bed rail. His Motorola Razr V3 rang out with an incoming call from Boogie.

Ermias's custom ringtone continued long before he answered, "You fuckin' wit' my sleep, nigga." he tiredly greeted.

There was a moment of silence on the line before the call ended. Ermias smacked his lips as he flipped his phone down, tossing it upon his desk near his bulky computer monitor. The recognition of soft knocking on Ermias's bedroom window diverted his attention as he noticed Boogie standing outside and her hands occupied with takeout bags from Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles.

She sighed, "I know you hungry." Boogie relayed clearly through the closed window.

Ermias chuckled, shaking his head at his friend's actions. He gathered himself to his feet to unlock and open the window. "Well, it's about time lanky ass." she said handing Ermias the bags. "Kill that shit, my nigga. Why are you here so early? Do you know what time it is?" Ermias continuously asked, helping Boogie through the window.

She sighs, "Okay, first of all, I can only answer one question at a time and secondly, you said we were doing breakfast on Sunday. Today is Sunday." she shrugged, slightly out of breath.

Boogie's friend stared at her intently admiration. Though it had just been roughly twelve hours since Ermias last saw her, he missed Boogie every chance he received. She stood pushing the loose hairs away from her face and behind her ears until Ermias instinctively pulled her in for a hug at her waist.

"I could've handled it myself, but 'preciate it, ugly." he whispered, quickly kissing her on the cheek. Boogie's dimples creased deeply with a smile. Ermias eventually stepped away in direction of the bathroom to perform his morning hygiene. Boogie followed him.

After a quick moment of silence, she cleared her throat for Ermias's attention, "Where's mama at, she's at the church house?" she asked.

"You should know that." Ermias voiced as he pampered his face with a warm towel.

Boogie continued to stare upon Ermias, grasping for his attention. The morning was an exciting moment for her as she had some incredible news to share with her dearest friend in regards to pursuing her education. As he continued brushing his teeth, Boogie managed to squeeze in between Ermias and the sink with her arm caressing his neck.

"Boog, come on now." he slightly mumbled with his toothbrush hanging from the right side of his mouth. "Look." she says, pulling a white envelope from behind her. Ermias chuckled in confusion, "What am I looking at?" he mumbled.

She eyed him with her usual are you serious nigga stare. "I got another letter, lanky ass."

As both friends stared at one another for what seemed to be a long period of time, Ermias disposed of the toothpaste foam from his mouth before grasping the letter from Boogie's hands. Ermias waited no time before tearing open the letter. This became their ritual; each letter she'd receive, Ermias would announce her news and it has yet to be a denial. Boogie's fingers were tightly crossed with much hope.

He sighs, "Boog! What's good, my nigga?" he voiced in slight excitement, smiling.

"Did I get it?"

"On hood? They want you." Ermias relayed, handing the letter over. Boogie jumped in complete joy all over again. "So, who all you got on yo' line?"

"UCLA is all I'm concerned about right now." she blushed. "Oh, foreal?" Ermias continued, "I see you tryin' stay real close to home with a nigga." he smirked. Boogie smacked her lips.

Hearing Boogie now accepted into a fourth university was always good to hear. Ermias became very adamant in helping Boogie pursue her dreams, whether it was just reading the words "you've been accepted..." Ermias, on the other hand, didn't have many dreams to his age.

"So when were you goin' tell me there's a possibility of you moving on the east coast?" Ermias questioned unexpectedly. Boogie's eyebrows furred. "How'd you come up with that information?" she asks. Ermias steps away from the sink and out of the restroom in return to his bedroom without a word. "Um hello?" Boogie followed him on his heels.

"I saw the text from ya' pops last night on the roof." he said treating himself to a crispy waffle. "So we going through each other's phone now?" Boogie asked as she crossed her arms before herself.

"You know I'm always goin' through yo' shit, nigga. Don't act surprised."

The last thing Ermias wanted was Boogie moving away from him, but deep down inside he wanted to encourage it as well. It was also more reasons of her not being around much longer than he thought. "Where to?"

She hesitantly joins a seat next to Ermias on his bed, "New York University." Boogie mumbled to a near silence. Ermias chuckled, "Word? That's what's up. Your folks must be proud." Ermias sarcastically voiced.

"That's it?"

"What else do ya' want me to say Boog?" Ermias sighs. Boogie furred her eyebrows, "Nothing at all, it's all good." Boogie nonchalantly brushed it off. Ermias noticed the dismay in Boogie's eyes as she failed to make eye contact with him. His lengthy arms wrapped her in a full hug, pulling her closer to him.

"Don't look so disappointed, I'm sorry." he said in between the kisses on her forehead. Ermias and Boogie have been down this road plenty of times before in the past.

"You know I can't take it to hear that you leavin' a nigga behind with all this education shit." Ermias continued. Boogie lightly pushed Ermias off of her as they met eye to eye again.

"I want you to come w—with me." she nervously blurted.

Boogie's words had taken Ermias by a detrimental surprise. "Come wit' you?" he questioned, still eating his waffle.

"Yes, E."

"I'm fine where I'm at." he said. "Are you?"

Ermias said nothing. The thought of Boogie separating herself for a second time from the only friend she had scared her for Ermias's sake. The world was dangerous and the last thing she'd want for Ermias is to be caught within the dangers of life.

"You know I love you E and I don't want anything to happen to you." she said. "I made it this far, right?"

"If nothing else, just promise me you'll be here when I get back." she relayed.

"This is Crenshaw, Boog. This is our home. I ain't going nowhere no time soon."

𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐖 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐓; nipsey hussleWhere stories live. Discover now