Kakuzu X Reader (Lemon)(Pt.1)

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(Y/N) - Your Name (Y/h/c) - Your hair color (Y/e/c) - Your eye color.

Again please note this has graphic content. If you do not like it please don't read.

This story will take place in modern day.


You sighed getting ready for work. You were a co-manager for a casino and you had been diligently working there for about five years now. You other co-manager was none other than a man named Kakuzu. It was a perfect pair for this business... the papers thought anyway. You would deal with the public appearances as well as anything to do with the good side of the casino. Whereas Kakuzu would deal with any dark dealings that involved with the casino. It annoyed you that in the public eye you had to go through Kakuzu first before making any big decisions, yet when it came to his situations Kakuzu doesn't even have to look towards you for any sort of advice or approval. 

You smiled at all the customers as you walked through the casino. You soon paused when noticing a few men in suits walk passed you and out the front door. You growled in your throat knowing full well that Kakuzu had made another dealing without you. You walked upstairs to the common office and knocked on the door waiting for his response. 

"Come in" said Kakuzu's voice, as you opened the door and then growled even louder in your throat seeing Hidan. 

Hidan is one of Kakuzu's business partners from a company called Akatsuki. You didn't question his decision, but again he made this decision without asking you and not only was he partnered up with an obnoxious asshole, but he was also a pervert who couldn't keep it in his pants. 

"Hey (y/n), your looking hot today" said Hidan, as you glared towards him.

"Shove it Jashin freak" You said, as he chuckled and side stepped so his face came into your view.

"Hidan leave her alone and go do your assignment" said Kakuzu, as Hidan chuckled while walking out of the office. 

You turned your head and looked at Kakuzu writing at his desk. You slowly walked towards him and then crossed your arms.

"What is it (y/n)?" asked Kakuzu not looking up from his desk.

"You did it again" You said, as Kakuzu paused and raised an eyebrow towards you. 

"By again you mean?" asked Kakuzu, as you sighed and took another step towards his desk.

"You didn't consult me on the meeting you just had" You said, as Kakuzu sighed and folded his hands together.

"I don't have to consult you with things like that" said Kakuzu, as you growled and started tapping your foot.

"Then maybe I won't tell you about the public views anymore" you threatened, as you froze for a moment when Kakuzu glared at you, but you soon shook it off and kept your ground.

"Don't run your mouth like that" said Kakuzu, as you growled and slammed your hand on his desk.

"Don't tell me what to do" You said, as your eyes widened when Kakuzu grabbed the wrist that you slammed on his desk and you gulped when you ended up lying on his desk looking up at him hovering over you.

You couldn't help but just watch as Kakuzu placed your left leg up and he wrapped your leg around his waist. You then eyed his right hand cup the left side of your face just running his fingers through your hair. You then purred as Kakuzu came closer and kissed the top of your head. You then jumped up and slightly pushed Kakuzu away when someone knocked on the office door.

"I should get back to work" You said, as you walked passed Kakuzu blushing when you heard a chuckle fro his throat.

You decided to make way to the casino and deal with all the customers and managers that were having issues. You wanted to avoid Kakuzu for the whole day. You couldn't believe what happened and you didn't know if he did it to shut you up about the whole sharing work issue or if he did it because he liked you.

You looked at the clock and sighed seeing that it was time to go, but you knew you had to report to Kakuzu to let him know. You bit your bottom lip and decided to get it over with. You walked up the stairs and each step you bit your bottom lip harder and harder. Not enough to make it bleed but enough to make you regret having to go up to talk to him. You knocked on the door and waited a few seconds. 

"Come in" said Kakuzu's voice, as you took a deep breath and opened the door seeing Kakuzu still at his desk writing on some papers.

"I'm going" You said, as Kakuzu looked up from his papers and looked at you.

"I'm leaving in five minutes wait for me" said Kakuzu, as you paused and raised an eyebrow towards him.

"What for?" You asked, as Kakuzu ignored your response.

You growled walking inside his office and closed the door behind you. You sat on a chair and glared at him from his desk.

"Still pissed because of this morning I see" said Kakuzu not looking at you from his desk, as you puffed your cheeks and turned your head away.

"I have no idea what your talking about" You said changing the subject, as Kakuzu chuckled.

"Oh? So you don't remember me grabbing your wrist and laying you on top of my desk and-"SHUT UP" You shouted interrupting Kakuzu causing him to chuckle.

Kakuzu put a bunch of papers away and you watched as he locked a drawer in his desk and then he stood up. You eyed him placing his jacket on and carrying a briefcase in his left hand. He walked towards you and extended his hand towards you. You looked at his hand and then looked up towards him. 

"Come on" said Kakuzu, as he grabbed your right hand and pulled you up and you blushed when you ended up close to him.

"Where are we going?" you asked avoiding eye contact, as he smirked.

"You wanted more responsibility right?" asked Kakuzu, as you stopped and looked at him surprised.

"Come to my place, we will talk it out and that way you can get me dinner in the mean time" said Kakuzu, as you growled and ended up following him to his car.

"I am not buying you dinner" You said, as he smirked back at you.

"Fine then you can make me dinner either way I don't have to pay for something" said Kakuzu, as you growled getting into his car and just glared at him when he started driving towards his place.

When he parked you got out of his car and looked at his small apartment. You watched Kakuzu walking towards the front door and you ran to keep up with him. He opened the door and you followed inside. It was a rather small apartment which shocked you, but then again you knew he wasn't the type to spend money if he didn't have to.

You took off your shoes and walked inside towards the living room seeing that Kakuzu had put his briefcase on the table and you walked over once he sat on the couch.

"So business first I trust?" You asked, as your eyes widened when he grabbed your wrist making you lay on top of him on the couch.

"Your cute when you talk business" he whispered, as you blushed bright red and then you yelped a bit when Kakuzu started kissing the right side of your neck.

You pushed him off of you and froze looking at him. You then stood up and avoided eye contact.

"You are so lucky I put up with your shit" You said, as you walked into the kitchen and then bent down on your knees.

Your hands were shaking and you felt like crying, but you knew you couldn't show weakness here, definitely not here. Your eyes then widened when you were lifted up and your eyes widened more when you were placed on a bed.

Kakuzu was hovering over you and you soon blushed bright red when Kakuzu kissed your lips.

"(Y/N) I want you to be mine" whispered Kakuzu, as you paused for a moment not knowing what to say.

To Be Continued... (This Story will have a Pt.2)


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