Kankuro X Reader (Lemon)(Pt.2)

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(Y/N) - Your Name (Y/h/c) - Your hair color (Y/e/c) - Your eye color.

Again please note this has graphic content. If you do not like it please don't read.


Six months in and you were on the edge of breaking. Kankuro had found multiple ways of not only annoying you, but ways for you to give in when he was in the mood. Plus. for some reason he wanted to start showing you off in public which pissed you off more. You weren't exclusive or anything, but you didn't want to be with anyone else other than Kankuro.

You had just woke up and you jumped when seeing Kankuro laying next to you in your bed. You growled and then pushed him off causing a loud thud to the floor.

"Kankuro" you whispered angrily, as he smirked towards you.

"Morning (y/n), you look beautiful as always this morning" said Kankuro, as you growled.

"(Y/N)!" called your mother, as you shot up and placed your back to the door so your mother wouldn't come in.

"I'm fine mom just fell off my bed" you said, as you heard your mother sigh. 

"Again? Be careful this is the fourth time this month" said your mother, as you sighed in relief, but you soon stiffened up when Kankuro was kissing your neck leaving you no where to run.

"Kan-kuro" you moaned, as he chuckled and continued to kiss your neck, but then you bit your lip when bit down on you.

You pushed him off slightly and sighed realizing now you had a hickey forming. You then walked to your bathroom closing the door behind you to get changed.

"So, Gaara has us for another couple undercover assignment" said Kankuro through the door, as you paused and narrowed your eyes. 

"Really?" you asked getting changed, as Kankuro chuckled.

"Yup" said Kankuro confidentially, as you opened the bathroom door. 

"According to Gaara after we came back you begged him to have me partnered with you on the last mission" you said putting your hands on your hips, as Kankuro smiled nervously.

 "Come on (y/n), just come on the mission" begged Kankuro, as you sighed and closed your eyes.

"Fine, but no funny stuff" you said, as your eyes widened when Kankuro dipped you back and was smirking down at you.

"Funny stuff? my dear (y/n), what ever do you mean? I have been nothing but a gentlemen wanting your attention" said Kankuro smugly, as you growled in your throat.

"Okay let go" you said, as you blushed when Kankuro lightly kissed your lips and then let you back up. 


Time Skip: After Mission


The two of you made it to the hotel and you sighed a deep breath when the mission was over. You almost got caught and worst of all Kankuro hurt his right leg slightly.

"That was reckless" you said glaring at Kankuro who was sitting on the bed.

"So I took a chance sue me" said Kankuro, as you growled walking over to him and lightly kicked his leg.

"Ouch what the hell?!" shouted Kankuro, as you glared at him.

"Oh? So it does hurt? you were acting like it didn't" you said, as Kankuro sighed.

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