Gaara X Reader (Lemon)

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(Y/N) - Your Name (Y/h/c) - Your hair color (Y/e/c) - Your eye color.

Again please note this has graphic content. If you do not like it please don't read.


You smiled standing out on your roof of your home looking at the morning sky. You have become a highly trained ninja worthy enough to protect the Kazekage. You trained everyday and your dream had come true.

Now it was time to move onto your new dream, but you weren't sure how to go about it. Rather you didn't know how to tell him. Mostly because he was the Kazekage himself.

"(Y/N)" said a voice, as you turned your head seeing Temari smiling at you.

"Something wrong?" you asked, as she sighed but walked up to you.

Temari has always been there for you. Encouraging you. You even told her your secret and she was thrilled at the thought you could be her sister in law. Even though she was getting ahead of herself.

"It's the moonlight festival tonight remember?" she asked, as you smiled nervously. 

"I'm on patrol tonight" you said, as Temari sighed and shook her head while placing her right hand on your left shoulder.

"No one is on patrol, everyone must at least gather the temple at the end of the festival for the Kazekage's annual speech. Kazekage's orders" she said, as you sighed.

"Temari I don't even have anything to wear" you said, as she smirked and pulled your by your left hand. 

Temari led you to one of the kimono shops in the village and you smiled nervously while looking at her. You both walked inside and started trying on some kimonos. You finally decided on one kimono with your favorite color and flowers on it. The style of the kimono showed both your shoulders, stopping right at the bottom of your neck line. 

"That looks great" said Temari, as you smiled shyly.

You waited for Temari to buy her kimono and then you both walked out of the shop together. As you both were walking you stopped in your tracks seeing the Kazekage smiling at all the young kids walking by him. Your eyes then widened when Temari pushed you ahead of her causing you to bump into the Kazekage.

"I-I-I'm so sorry lord Kazekage" you said bowing your head while blushing a million shades of red. 

He soon smiled at you giving you a warm feeling in your stomach.

"I hope you will be my guard for the moonlight festival tonight" he said, as you paused and smiled a bit sadly. 

"Of course lord Kazekage. I will be armed and prepared for anything" you said, as he nodded and walked passed you.

You sighed a heavy sigh, but soon paused when Temari put her hand on your shoulder. 

"What was all that about? You know you can dress up at the festival right?" she asked, as you raised an eyebrow at her.

"While trying to protect the Kazekage? I won't be suited to protect anything if I wear the kimono" you said, as Temari narrowed her eyes at you and then smirked with a sly look.

"What are you up to?" you asked, as your eyes widened when she grabbed your apartment keys and your kimono.

Before you knew it, she then pushed you into a food vendor making your ninja outfit unsuitable to wear.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" you shouted, as she smirked while swinging your keys around her finger.

"Ah man, how unfortunate. Guess you'll have to get cleaned up at my place since I'm borrowing your keys and all" said Temari, as you growled but forced yourself to follow Temari to her place.

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