Rose and me again

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Billy’s POV

I sat quietly.

“I’m sorry for…” Cruz pointed at my bruised lip, looking embarrassed for what she did to me. I just faintly smiled but to be true I didn’t have any qualms over what she did in past, she just saved me and that mattered the most. I kept stirring my spoon into my sundae but didn’t even taste it. My appetite was dead; I couldn’t get the interrogation and them two out of my mind. Usually I cannot resist ice-cream or anything edible but today I didn’t even take a look at the thing.

“C’mon, forget about what happened. It’s over, get over it.”

“What if you hadn’t come?” I spoke in low voice. My fear indeed was justified.

She didn’t say anything. I would have been sent behind the bars if she hadn’t intervened, I was going to spend rest of my days in prison, if only Cruz hadn’t save me.

“Billy, look up.”

Her words made me shift my gaze from my lap to her face.

“I will never let anything happen to you. Trust me.”

Her eyes, they were talking the truth but then she continued…

“Your friend Josh, he is in danger. They will kill him, only you can save him.”

Refusing to bad Cruz was much easier but still spying for my friend, my brother wasn’t something I could do.

“What can I do, I’m just a kid.” This time I was actually listening to her. 

“Just be with him tonight. He is meeting the baron at frats’ party. Josh will get a package that he will sell to frats. All you got to do is to get me that package. I will save Josh, just like saved you.” She placed her palm on my hand that rested on table while I bit on my nails.

“What if the baron, the bad guy catches me? Or they just shoot me like they do in the movies?” I was panicked and my somewhat senseless talks showed my mental condition.

“I will save you with my life, Billy.”

I looked at her, she looked back at me.

“Will you do it?” she asked again…

I gave in and nodded. So, I was going to betray my own friend, my brother, my mate but it was for his own good. Cruz will save him too.

She drove me to my house, I walked in but I didn’t know we were having guests. A white lady was standing in my house. My mother runs a small cooking business, may be the woman’s here to talk business, I don’t know.

“Mom, I’m going out with Josh tonight.” I spoke while stepping towards the stairs to go to my room.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your son, Hess?” The white woman spoke, making me stop and turn towards them. I hate when the women coming to meet mama suddenly want to crush me with hugs, kiss my delicate cheeks, which are just gross. I nervously smiled at the woman, mentally praying that she doesn’t kiss me but surprisingly, she just forwarded her hand that I accepted, shaking it lightly.

“You look so good, Billy.” She widely smiled at me, in reply I just gave her a small smile, not sure what to say. I was used to such compliments actually, I am cute!

“Billy, you said you were going to Josh?” Mama spoke, drawing my attention towards her.

“Oh, yeah… Sorry gotta go!” I smiled at the lady and quickly rushed to my room upstairs after grabbing my cap, I just ran out of the house.

Billy Be Good (Robert Downey Jr. as the student in this Teacher/Student story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora